Ch.2 Dates?

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"Good morning Bumblebees, I'm Drew Belmode. Your trusty source for everything going on in the hive.

"Valentine's Day is just a day away and no one wants to bee lonely, so make sure too sign up for the Pollen Pals Number Exchange today is the last day you can..

"As a reminder tomorrow those who signed up will bee given the numbers fate has assigned them, and I've heard they have a special anouncement to make to. Oh, I'm just buzzing with excitement.

"So Bumblebees remember, bee the change you wish to see and have a bee-utiful day."


Drew's POV

The roar of tired and broken students making their way to second period filled the hallways.

"God I hate those bee puns." I muttered.

"School spirit is important you know." Said Ryan.

Ryan is my best friend. Our families known each other forever and he's practically my brother. He's cute I guess in an emo way. Black hair that hangs over his left eye, and what eye's they are. Icy blue but have a warmness.

His best trait tho, he's pretty much a big ole teddy bear. He's super sweet and supportive. Basically he's amazing.

"Yeah I know that and I love the morning announcements, but everytime I hear 'Bee yourself' or 'The bee's knees' I want to bee murdered."

My backpack strap dug into my shoulder and I moved to readjust it.

"Isn't that a bit harsh, yeash."

"Not if you have to hear that everyday for several years."

He shot me a smile. "You signed up for this you know."

I frowned. "Yeah, but the morning anouncements are a good extracurricular. I have big dreams for college and I'm not staying shakled here."

Ryan looked away. "I'll miss you when you go."

"We'll cross that bridge when we get there."


As we got to class I had a thought. "Hey Ryan did you sign up for the PPNE?"

"Yeah, doesn't everyone?"

The classroom filled with noise as my classmates started filing in.

"Well not everyone, it's usually avoided by the gays and the shy quiet kids."

"So why are you asking me?"

"Because this year I heard they have a secret date planned for five of the 'couples' formed though the event."

Mr. Kingsley entered the room.

"Oh, the super special secret news that was mentioned this morning. What kind of dates? Do you know?" He whispered.

"No specifics, not really anyway. Just that they partnered with several businesses. I think they hope to promote them to the students." I whispered back.

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