Chapter 10

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*Tylee P.O.V*

I began to get ready for school leggings and light blue sweatshirt putting my converse on and ran down stairs seeing John playing with his unicorn
"Ty Ty donut we have to go to school"John said
"I know come on john"I said graving a light coat and putting it on I graved Johns coat and threw it at him
"Ow Ty Ty Donut"John said I laughed and graved my book bag walking out the door seeing John walk out to I closed the door and took my keys out locking the door I began to walk to school with my annoying brother John we finally got to the school I walked in going to my locker putting my code on I took my coat off and put it in my locker and my book bag I took my binder and closed my locker as soon as turned around John scared the crap out of me "John what the hell"I said
"Ty Ty donut I need help with my locker"John said
"I'm not helping you"I said walking to class I sat down and listen to the teacher then the bell rang

*After School*

I walked out of school and began to walk to my house with John as I got to the house I took my keys out and opened the door I held the door open for John he ran in I closed the door locking it I took my coat off and ran up stairs I put my book bag down then the door bell rang
"Ty Ty donut I'll get it"John yeld I ran down stairs and John already opened the door
"oh Ty Ty donut I'm gonna go play with my unicorn"John said
"Okay go do that John"I said pushing John Tyler came in and I closed the door behind him after we were done with the project wed tatted hanging out I felt comfortable around Tyler like I can tell him anything out of nowhere Tyler phone ringed he looked at it then left my house randomly I closed the door locking it then I ran up stairs and took my converse off I layed on my bed and sighed

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