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After the set, we walked around and met a few fans. Then we walked back to the bus.
"There's only three more shows!" Bryan said into Damon's camera. Then they both started fake crying before realizing me and Johnnie had walked in. I started to laugh and they turned to face us. "What are your thoughts about this Ky?" Bryan asked wiping away a fake tear. "Well, I'm kind of surprised you asked me a question that didn't involve porn. Also, I'm really gonna miss touring with you idiots." I say smiling,a little sadness visible in my voice. "What about you,Mr. Guilbert?" Damon asked Johnnie in an obviously fake British accent. "I'm gonna miss it.." He says with a shrug before looking at the ground. I grabbed his hand gently,I could tell he was deep in thought by the way his lip was started to curl.
The video ended and Bryan and Damon decided to get Chipotle and bring it back to us. According to Bryan it was so we could have more 'alone time'. Well, I appreciate it a lot.
Johnnie and I sat on the bunk,my head on his shoulder and our hands clasped tight.
"Remember when I told you I wouldn't let you leave Warped Tour without a reason to live..?" He whispered quietly. I nodded "Yeah,but you don't have to worry about it anymore.." I say looking at him. He raises an eyebrow. But before he can say anything I smile softly and say "Your my reason.."

(And that's the end of this book. XD but if you'd like a sequel then comment because I still haven't really explained Ky's family situation and idk if anyone really cares or not but yeah. I hope you liked it,it was my first story and it probably sucked cx. So comment for a sequel if you want one. Thanks for reading :*)

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