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'There is only one kind of shock worse than the totally unexpected; the expected for which one has refused to prepare'

'There is only one kind of shock worse than the totally unexpected; the expected for which one has refused to prepare'

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chapter seven
good news or bad news?


Anticipation is restless. Your heart won't let you wait, you body won't let you react. You can only mull the results, and simply wait.

Treading all the way down to the Headmaster's office from the entry gate of Hogwarts seemed to be the most time consuming task.

Dumbledore could have easily appartated them both directly there, but no, he seemed keen to rattle her nerves as much as he can.

Alicia was completely calm on the exterior but on the inside she was extremely anxious. She had no idea what in the name of merlin did Matthew did to get his presence known in the first place. It was already decided that his presence won't be made known yet, but, leave it to him to mess it all up.

They reached Dumbledore's office in what seemed an eternity but reaching inside she was surprised to see only Minerva McGonagall there. Matthew was nowhere in sight.

"Minerva McGonagall." greeted Minerva, extending her hand.

"Alicia Jones." Alicia shook her hand respectfully before scanning the office with her eyes as if expecting Matthew to be sitting in a corner, away from her sight.

Minerva nodded at Dumbledore, sending a sort of message as if to tell him something they didn't wish to discuss in front of Alicia.

On cue, Dumbledore moved past her to his desk with his back towards them and quickly took something out of his robe pocket and placed it in the drawer fastly.

Alicia couldn't get a clear view but she did see a quick flash of silver but can't quite make out the shape and size of whatever object that was.

Minerva cleared her throat, snapping her out of her thoughts, and said firmly, "Let me escort you to the hospital wing."

This completely startled Alicia, "Hospital Wing?"

"Yes, Miss Jones. The person you have to meet is in the hospital wing." confirmed Minerva.

Alicia was getting more worried by the second. Matthew is here and most importantly he is injured.

Hurrying after Minerva she entered the Hospital Wing, to see that the matron was tending to the only occupied bed.

From where she was standing she couldn't see the face of the person lying there but she could make out that he was covered from neck to toe with white sheets.

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