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Two days later
                       Y/n POV

Jimin is still annoying me. I don't know what to do with him anymore. Right now I'm waiting for Jiho's friend, Min-jun as he said he remember something. Soon he arrived.

Y/n: What is it?

Min-jun: I saw- (He was cutted off)

Jimin: Hi Y/n!

Argh! Not again!

Y/n: Mr. Park, if you don't leave right now, I'm sorry but I'll have to call officers to take you out.

Jimin:Cone on babe, don't be so rude.

Y/n: Can you just stop now? I'm busy.

Jimin: But I just came to see you, can't you appreciate?

Y/n: But I don't want you to come.

Jimin: You're so cold.

Y/n: Can you go outside?

Jimin: No, I'll stay here.

Y/n: Fine, then go and sit in that corner.

He pouted angrily and took a seat.
He's looking so cute while pouting. Wait! What am I thinking?! I should focus on my work.
I looked at Min-jun.

Y/n: What were you saying?

Min-jun: I saw one of them going in the washroom after Jiho.

He said pointing at Jimin.

Y/n: Was it Mr.Park who went after him or was it one of the BTS members?

Min-jun: One of the members.

Y/n: Okay.

I looked at Jimin.

Y/n: Were you the one?

Jimin: No.

Y/n: You were the only one who went  to washroom from all the members.

Jimin: Yes but I didn't see him inside.

Min-jun: Excuse me!

I looked ta him.

Min-jun: He wasn't the one.

Y/n: You've seen him.

Min-jun: Yeah!

Y/n: Officer, call all the members here.

Officer: Okay mam.

He went outside. I looked at Min-jun.

Y/n: You stay here. All the members will come here soon. Will you able to recognise that person?

Min-jun: Yeah...Maybe.

Y/n: I need a proper answer, yes or no?

Min-jun: Yes.

Y/n: Good!

Soon the officer came in.

Officer: Mam, we've called them. They're coming in some time.

Y/n: Cook.

We all waited for awhile for them to come. Soon they arrived.

Y/n: You guys can sit.

Jungkook: Jimin Hyung, what are you doing here?

Jimin: I had some IMPORTANT work.

He said, pressuring on the word 'important' while looking at me. I scoffed at him.

Yoongi: What work?

Jimin: Something personal.

Y/n: Can we get back to work?

Namjoon: Sure!

Y/n: Min-jun, can you tell me who is it?

Min-jun: It was him.

He said, pointing at.....


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