Just Rubbish

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As the moonlit sky carved a path through the dense forest, Athena drifted off into deep thought as her feet pursued forward. Keira was skipping up ahead, tripping over a few rocks along the way yet still keeping her head high.

The crickets were singing their midnight blues while Keira hummed to their tunes. It was a rather peaceful evening and Athena was hoping not to encounter any predators or such as the pair made their way home.

"So, what are we gonna do tomorrow? " Keira asks as she turns around to view her older sister, attempting to walk backwards. Athena snapped out of her thoughts and looked down at her sibling. Her hazel eyes focusing on her. "Hopefully hunt and cover more ground." She says with a tired tone. "Again~? That's so boring. " Keira complained as she crossed her arms and blew her long bangs out of her face.

"You'd rather starve? Then be my guest." The 19 year old snapped back. She hated when Keira complained about hunting. It was the only way they were to survive the barren wasteland they called home.

After the rebellion, Almost every living soul was burned to a crisp or speared through the heart. Lucky for the girls, they were able to survive, thanks to their mother. Yet the details of that disastrous day will be told later on.

Before Keira can retort, her foot is snagged on a root and falls back, hitting her head against a tree. Athena blinks and laughs at her fault. "Oh shut up! " Keira yells as she grabs a handful of dirt and throws it at her, not noticing that a rock was hidden in the soil.

It hits Athena square in the face. "Oh fuck! " She stumbles back and wipes the dirt off, also spreading red liquid over her mouth. "What..?" She tastes it and growls angrily. "Stupid bitch. You made me bleed!"

Keira gives her a smirk as she rises, wiping the dirt off her self. "That's what you get for laughing at me." Athena ignores her while wiping the rest of the dirt off. She begins to walk again and pushes her sister back to the ground. "Sleep with one eye open, little sis."

She smirks and keeps walking, not caring that the blood still dripped from her eyebrow. Her 14 year old sister rises once again while mumbling a few words.

The night grew silent as they both marched through the trees. It was a peaceful silent however, which was pretty rare now a days, so Athena enjoyed as much as she could. Keira on the other hand, was growing restless of the peacefulness surrounding her.

She started kicking up a few dead leaves that laid on the ground, making noise as she went along. She also knocked on the tree trunks and whistled loudly to imitate a bird.

Her childlike behavior was starting to irritate Athena. Although attempting to ignore, her patience was growing thin. So, instead of turning to scold her sister, she hid among the bushes that were near by.

Unaware of Athena gone, Keira continued her boisterous acts until she heard a twig snap. Her body froze in place and her head shot up. When she couldn't see Athena in sight, she began to panic. Her breathing grew heavy as she swayed unsteadily.

She heard another twig snap behind a pair of bushes. "A-Athena..? I-is that you? " A growl answered her. Fear etched her face and before she can turn around to escape, she is tackled to the ground.

"RAWR!" Yells Athena as she pins her sister to the ground. Her knees digging into Keira's thighs while her hands hold her arms down. Keira's dark brown eyes widened and her face turned white. It had taken her a few seconds to realize it was Athena pinning her down. "You piece of shit!!"

Athena smirks evilly. "Never, turn your back on the predator." She whispers before letting her go and rising to her feet. Keira doesn't respond, but glares at her enraged. Athena offers her hand as she chuckles towards her sibling. "Let's get a move on scary cat. "

Keira rolls her eyes and takes her hand, standing up before shoving her sister aside. " Bitch." Athena smiles and continues the few miles they have left.

1 hour later they finally make it to their home. It was a rundown house, a few broken windows and cracks along the walls. Though it seemed like it would fall onto your heads, it was actually pretty stable. Athena and Keira creep in, steadily walking to their beds.

It was a rather simple place, a coffee table with a fireplace to the side wall. A small kitchen at the far end of the house and a bathroom, yet no bedrooms to sleep in.

Keira headed to a slit between two walls and pulled out a mattress before flopping it on the ground. Dirt and dust fill the air and she collapsed onto the bed with a groan. "You couldn't get mine out? " Athena asks while taking off her twin machetes from her waist strap and places them down on the coffee table.

"You have two hands, get it yourself. " her sister barks, her back facing Athena. Athena glares at her and mocks her with faces. She then mumbles something as she proceeds to pull out her bed. She flops it beside the brat, as she calls her and collapses.

"We wake at Dawn." She says in a pissed off tone, settling in to her bed. Hopefully her sister understood, cuz she was fast asleep. Athena, who was now enjoying the silence, allowed her thoughts to take over. Remembering past events, making her smile. And with that, she lets her exhausted body fall into a deep sleep.

Hey everyone!! As you can see, this is my first story and I'm sorry if it's not as well written as I'd hope. I haven't written in a while so I'm rusty. Anyway, I thank you for reading my chapter and hopefully will encourage me to keep writing.

I thank you for taking your time to read. Please don't be afraid to comment or like! I thank you guys again :)

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