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"I'm really sorry you had to wait two weeks to see your daughter" she exclaimed. I grabbed Ellingtons hand and we followed her to the hospital room. Me and him sat down on the hospital bed. I looked down at my stomach. I was still chubby from my pregnancy. I have to work out more so Ell offered to work out with me. He's so sweet. Just then, a lady came in to the room with a clipboard. She looked really tan.

"Ridel?" She asked in a strong accent. I raised my hand. "I'm so sorry to tell you but your baby has passed away". I immediately broke down into tears. "M-my baby girl" I cried into Ratliffs shirt. After a few minutes of crying, she spoke up again. "Who's the father?" I pointed to Ell. She looked at me confused. "Oh, no that's not the father" she explained. "What?!" Me and Ell yelled in sync.

"Rydel?!" he yelled. "Ellington, I SWEAR I did not do anything with anyone else" I exclaimed. "Well, obviously you did" he said before storming out. "There's gotta be mistake" I cried. She just shook her head. I don't get it.

Then another nurse came in. "Ryd- oh my gosh sweetie why are you crying?" She asked. I looked at her angrily. Like she doesn't know. They were the ones that killed my baby by not looking after her well enough. And by telling me a lie! How dare they! "Oh maybe because you guys killed my baby!" I snapped.

She looked at me like I had two heads. Then back over at the other nurse. "Oh, no no no. Sam, that's Ridels baby the one who died. This is RY-del" she said emphasizing the ry. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry" she said. I loosened my face a bit. "It's okay" I whispered. "But now I have to explain to my boyfriend what happened so.. Can I see Ellie?" I asked. She nodded her head and went out the door to get Ellie.

She came back and placed her in my arms. She was beautiful. She had the most beautiful brownish-greenish eyes ever. They had already wrapped a cute little blanket around her and told me that I could keep it for them causing me to almost have a heart attack. It had a baby giraffe hood so her head wouldn't be exposed to the burning sun. Since she hasn't ever been outside. I was gonna get her back home into these nice clothes I bought for her a long time ago and surprise Ell with it.

I went home and made my way upstairs. Since my room was so big, we were completely redecorating so that Ell and Ellie can sleep there until we buy a new house. I put Ellies cute little crib in my room and filled it with dolls and stuffed animals and blankets and pillows. I brang her in my room, grabbed the stuffed animal that Ratliff gave her when she was born and I sat down on my bed.

It was a cute little elephant that we named Elly. So Ell, Ellie, Elly and Delly. She was so cute always trying to grab at the elephant but only ever grabbed its fur then let go of it. That's all she could do at this age. I placed her in her crib with Elly and went into my closet to pick out an outfit for her. It was a cute pink sweater with a fringy white skirt with a black bow on the side. I then changed her diaper and got her dressed.

I called him several times but he never picked up. He was probably too mad at me right now. I picked up Ellie and placed her on my hip. I saw mom peek in through the door. And ran in yelling like a Fangirl. "Oh my stars!" She yelled and kissed Ellies chubby cheeks. Then my phone rang so I handed her to mum and motioned for her to go downstairs. I bought alot if toys for her and I'm pretty sure they're downstairs. Plus it will give her room to try to crawl and the rest of the family wants to see her.

Phone conversation

R- hello?

E- hey. Why'd you call?

He sounded very angry and annoyed.

R- Ell, oh my gosh please come home I've been so worried about you. Don't worry, the baby who died was another girls name Ridel. She got me and her mixed up. I brang Ellie home and she really wants to see you. We love you so much.

E- oh my god I'm such an idiot

R- don't worry. I would've been mad too if I were you. Just please come back.

E- I'll be there in a few minutes. Mind if my parents come over?

That's probably where he was.

R- sure no prob. Love you

E- love you too.

End phone conversation

I'm so glad he's coming home. I went downstairs and saw everyone playing with Ellie. "Mom, mind if Ells parents come over?" I asked. "Sure! Besides she's their granddaughter too". It was almost dinner time for her so she was gonna be crying soon. I heard the doorbell ring and I knew who it was. I opened it and saw Ell kneeled down on one knee. "Rydel, I was such an idiot. I wanna make it up to you. I love you with all my heart. Make me happy and marry me?" He asked.

Oh my god no.

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