the tale of mr.trumpy

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I got this from ao3 lmao. Slight smut.

"Wha- what the fuck Donald"
Hillary Clinton looked at daddy Donalds member in shock.

"It's not my fault it's a Cheeto god damn woman." He looked away slightly

"I could just bite this off you know~" Hillary smirked.

"Not untill I get to fuck my wife" Donald rolled his eyes

"Oh right her." Hillary spoke with a hint of jealousy in her voice.

"Look I know you love me but I can't divorce Melania she just loves this Cheeto too much."

"Fine. Let's get this over with."

Donald shrugged and pulled off the Biden lingerie Hillary was wearing

Then they fucked.

Unfortunately during the second round Hillary went a bit too hard and Donald's dick broke.

And that's the tale of mr.trumpy

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