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News recently in, our sources have told us that NCT Kang Junyeol is in fact a homosexual. Now, it is very rare in Kpop celebrities to express any interest in the same gender and neither Kang Junyeol himself or SM Entertainment have confirmed it but there is undeniable proof. Firstly, of how on a recent live Junyeol blushed at the sight of men's naked top halves and how whenever there were Ateez or Stray Kids he showed undeniable interest. He is also a lot closer to males and has never actually been seen talking to any female other than his seniors Red Velvet.

We will update further when this news is confirmed about Kang Junyeol.

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User235: If he is, welcome to the club. If not, oh well.

Mayathebee: Stop assuming things Soompi, it doesn't matter. He can still appreciate men. Or are men not allowed to talk to their own gender without a scandal now?

GucciYuta: Probably going to unstan Jun now.

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