2| The new motive

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(yes I love the picture sm sorry)

Softly in the background, Kokichi heard the morning announcement blare. He groggily sat up and swept his feet off the bed. He knew that today was the day they got a new motive, and it was something he looked up to. Soon, he was already on his feet and running towards the dining hall. When he arrived, he scanned the room, seeing Tsumugi, Angie, Gonta and Tenko gathered at the tables. "Goood morning!" Kokichi interrupted their conversation and plopped down onto one of the chairs. "Ugh, stop being such a degenerate male!" Tenko scoffed as she crossed her arms. "So, how are you ladies, and Gonta I suppose, doing?" Kokichi leant back, enjoying their anger. "Shut up will you!?" Tenko hissed, poison dripping off of every word she spoke. "Woah! Sorry, little miss perfect! I'll just observe you I guess!" Kokichi grinned as she sighed with an annoyed expression. Soon, more people strolled in, like Maki, Kaito, Himiko, Korekiyo and Miu. With them, the hall got noisier, and Kokichi kept quiet, observing them. Eventually, everyone was inside, besides Shumai.

"Hey, where is my sidekick?" Kaito wondered aloud as everyone's eyes laid on him. "Maybe he..." Before Miu could say something shitty, Shuichi appeared in the doorway. "Speak of the devil!" Kokichi joked, receiving a lot of glares, but none from Shumai. Kaito immediately put one arm around his "sidekick" and laughed aloud, but Kokichi saw Shuichi's eyes were dead inside. Wasn't he friends with Kaito? Or was he sick of the dumb astronaut? Something was strange...

"Rise and shine ursine!!" The three remaining monokubs cheered. "Wah! Don't scare us like that!" Tsumugi yelped. "They're just so cute when they scare people!" Monokuma giggled evilly. Looks like the new motive would be shown. "Well! Do you want your prizes or not!?" Monokuma said impatiently as the monokubs threw the useless objects at others. "We just want the motive already!! I can't wait any longer!" Kokichi jumped excitedly. "Motive!? Of course, we don't want it!" Kaito argued. Many agreed with him. So annoying!! He wasn't even the ultimate supreme leader! "Alright! I'll show you all!" Monokuma sighed. "Korekiyo, Maki, Himiko and Shuichi! Will you come here for a second?" Monokuma asked with some glee.

Many gasped or murmured amongst themselves. "Have you noticed something strange about them?" Monokuma said as the students stared at him, their eyes dead. "Well, they look... dead?" Kaito suggested. "Puhuhuhu! Close, but sadly, they're all alive!" Monokuma giggled. "They are infected with..." Monokuma began. "The despair disease!!" The Monokubes cheered. As soon as they said that, the infected students collapsed on the ground. Nobody moved, so that meant it was Kokichi's time to shine. "Sooo, what does that mean?" He asked with his curiosity peaked. "Well, they all have their own sort of sickness! For instance, Korekiyo here, is always upfront, not able to lie and always saying what's on his mind!" Monokuma cackled. Soon after that, the fainted students, including poor Shumai, stood up. "You all look disgusting when you're scared, and I dislike that..." Korekiyo scanned the room while murmuring that. "Himiko has selfishness..." Monokuma continued. "What are you all standing around! I deserved to be praised! Beg! Peasants!" She pointed to everyone with a demanding expression. "Maki has paranoia" "W-what is everyone looking at!? Is it my face!? Hair!? Stop looking at me!!" Maki screamed. "And lastly: Shuichi has obsession!" Monokuma finished. Suichi looked at his feet, super silent

"This is my favourite one, cuz he has one big obsession, and that is the last person he saw yesterday!" Monokuma enrolled. With that, Kaito laughed in relief: "So he is still my sidekick! C'mere!" Kaito grinned in triumph. Shuichi stepped back in surprise and glared at the loud astronaut. "W-what's wrong? Aren't you happy to see me...?" Kaito murmured in surprise. Shuichi scanned the room and his eyes landed on Kokichi, who was amused. He knew exactly who he saw lastly: Kokichi himself. Shuichi's eyes widened as he gasped. He immediately kneeled in front of the leader and said: "I-it's such an honour to be in the presence of you! Master!" He said, staring into Kokichi's eyes with admiration. A new kind of excitement brew in Kokichi as he looked at the loyal Shumai who was kneeling in front of him. He glanced at the rest of the class, and as expected, there were emotions like surprise, anger, confusion and betrayal mixed in the group. He mostly enjoyed the reaction of the dumb Kaito, who looked lost, with a frown on his face. "Puhuhuhu! This is very interesting! I also will say: It's a disease! It can spread! I will help them out when one of you kills another!" Monokuma laughed. "But what if we're all infected!?" Tsumugi exclaimed. "Weeellll... I have some masks for that!" Monokuma threw some in the air. Kokichi tried grabbing one before the rest, but Shuichi was faster. He snatched one out of the air with an immense amount of speed and handed it to Kokichi. "Here, Master. Please accept this mask!" Shuichi looked at him with expectations. "Thank you Shumai!" Kokichi thanked him, making the detective's eyes spark with joy as if he was talking to a god.

"So, we are bringing them to Keebo's lab, since he doesn't like his lab anyway, and make it a sort of hospital! That way we can at least keep the infected inside and take care of them!" Miu grinned, coming to the solution. "Yes, and I can take care of them, since I'm a robot, I won't get affected by the nasty disease!" Keebo nodded. "But that's because you don't have a heart! You're just a heartless robot with no emotions!" Kokichi joked, getting a lot of glares. "This is so sad" Miu rolled her eyes sarcastically. "Yeah... Keebo, play despakeebo!" Shuichi grinned with mischief. The group remained silent after that besides Kokichi and Shuichi laughing. "Nope! You two have to get separated! Mostly this asshole!" Kaito pointed to Kokichi with a fiery rage. "Exactly! Peasants! Get rid of that nuisance!" Himiko ordered, who somehow got a magic stick. "Will do! Gladly!" Tenko cracked her knuckles and walked up to Kokichi. "Oh shit!" Kokichi yelped as he tugged Shuichi along and ran for their life.

"Master! There are many people following us!" Shuichi yelped. Gonta, Tenko, Kaito and Keebo were the closest to grabbing them, but Kokichi got an idea. "In here!" Kokichi yelled as they lunged for the vents as they just passed a corner. Very lucky for them, the others passed the vents without giving it a second thought. The two were breathing heavily and relieved. Then, Kokichi realised he just made a sick person run, a lot. "Hey, are you okay?" He shook Shuichi's shoulder. "Y-yes! I am great, m-master..." He answered, but he looked pale and tired. "Don't call me master! You are now my partner! So also my responsibility, got it? Right now, Shumai, you gotta sleep! Let's go!" Kokichi was stronger than he looked, even though he wasn't ripped like Gonta, he could carry someone like Shuichi, since he was also pretty light. The poor detective was too weak to struggle and just dozed off in Kokichi's arms. "Well, this is gonna be interesting..." Kokichi grinned as he silently sneaked into the room of Shuichi.

"Kokichi probably went into his room! We'll just wait there!" A voice woke Kokichi up. It was one am! Were they still looking for them!? Kokichi realised he had fallen asleep on Shumai's chair. Speaking of Shuichi, how was he? Kokichi silently went to him. He was sleeping deeply, looking like he was finally at peace. Kokichi had never seen him this peaceful. He put one hand in Shuichi's hair and ruffled it. "Don't worry, Shumai... I won't let them get you from me. Once you are my partner, you'll never want to leave" Kokichi whispered softly. He wasn't lying about that, and he would never leave Shumai, not now that he finally got him on his side.

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