The night she was made

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-HONESTLY LUPIN!!!! Fuck you! It's always about you! Whatever I do it's wrong!
-Yea, yea?! And your so much better black? Your just like your father!
-Go fuck yourself lupin!
Sirius storms out of their house after their big argument. He takes his motorcycle and just drives, he dose not care where he ends up. He just want to get as far as way as possible from Remus.
-Hey Sirius! Shouts Marleen! Sirius turns around and sees that Marleen McKinnon stands by the road he just passed. He turns his motorcycle and drives closer to Marleen. He quickly hides his tears.
- What's up Marleen? Why are you out here in the middle of the night?
- Oh! My friend was supposed to take me home but something else happened so she couldn't!
-You know what, I will drive you! Marleen gets a happy smile on her face as she walks up to him. She slowly grabs him around his stomach as he starts to drive.
Before they even open Marleens door to her house they are making out.

This is some smut so yea...

Sirius grabs her neck as he slowly drags of her underwear. He starts to choke her as he quickly takes of his own pants. He lets go slowly as they continue to make out. Before either of they knew it they where fucking so hard. Marleen moans so hard as Sirius dose it harder and harder. After some time they finally stop and that's when they realised that they forgot protection...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2021 ⏰

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