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Andrew Park-Age: 26-Height: 5'10-Family: Kabal(Dad) and Aki(His aunt)-Has his dad's hookswords along with a dagger that is attached to his ankle-Is somewhat clumsy but somehow has amazing balance-May look intimidating but is just a giant baby at h...

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Andrew Park
-Age: 26
-Height: 5'10
-Family: Kabal(Dad) and Aki(His aunt)
-Has his dad's hookswords along with a dagger that is attached to his ankle
-Is somewhat clumsy but somehow has amazing balance
-May look intimidating but is just a giant baby at heart(that's what his aunt says)
-Has a very slight fear of Shao Khan and Kano
-Best friend is Joseph Tsung

-Age:(I have no idea)
-Height:(Again I have no idea about his age or height)
-Family: Andrew(Adopted son) and Aki(Sister)

-Age: 36
-Height: 5'9.6
-Family: Kabal and Andrew 
-Took martial arts and taekwondo when she was ten years old
-Has beat her brother once when he agreed on Bo joining the BlackDragon

Joseph Tsung-Age: 25-Height: 5'5-Family: Shang Tsung(Dad) and Ember(Little sister)-Protective of his little sister-Inherited his father's powers but has made them his own-Best friend of Andrew 

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Joseph Tsung
-Age: 25
-Height: 5'5
-Family: Shang Tsung(Dad) and Ember(Little sister)
-Protective of his little sister
-Inherited his father's powers but has made them his own
-Best friend of Andrew 

Joseph Tsung-Age: 25-Height: 5'5-Family: Shang Tsung(Dad) and Ember(Little sister)-Protective of his little sister-Inherited his father's powers but has made them his own-Best friend of Andrew 

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Ember Tsung
-Age: 19
-Height: 5'7.5
-Family: Shang Tsung(Dad) and Joseph(Brother)
-Is still practicing with her powers(Joseph is helping her)
-Isn't allowed to go on missions,unless Bo and Joseph go with her(this rule was made by Joseph,proving he's Overprotective at times)

(Andy never joined the Black Dragon,mostly because Aki knocked some sense into her brother. She was not going to let her nephew join. Both Joseph and Ember live in Earthrealm and were raised by Raiden)

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