Andrew and Joseph run into Kano

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It was late in the night,Joseph and Andrew had gone to Outworld so Joseph could search his father's chambers. Andrew stayed outside as a lookout,it wasn't long before he began to hear footsteps infront of him. "Who's there?!" Andrew yelled as he reached for the hookswords on his back. His eyes widen when he saw who it was,Kano. "Well well,if it isn't little Andy." Kano chuckled. "Y-You....Stay back!" Andrew stuttered for a second before regaining composure as he removed the hookswords from his back,aiming them at Kano. "Aw,come on mate...." Kano was cut off when Joseph appeared. "Portal,Andy?" He glanced towards Andrew as he nodded. "You read my mind,Joseph." Joseph opened a portal right next to them before going through,Bo went through as well but not before the side of his shirt was grabbed by Kano. "Let go!" Andrew had put one of his hookswords back and grabbed his dagger. "You ain't going no were,mate." That was the moment that Andrew cut that part of his shirt that Kano had a grip on before he ran through the portal to Earthrealm.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Andrew and Joseph were now getting an earful from Raiden and Sonya about leaving the Earthrealm base without telling someone or taking back up. Fujin and the others could understand why they went by themselves, the two didn't want to be easily detected but that didn't go as planned seeing as Kano had found Andrew. At the moment it seemed like Kano was after anyone related to Kabal and it includes Andrew and Aki. Even though he has no idea where Aki is.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2023 ⏰

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