Part 1

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How are you doing today?’ - ‘fine.’ - ‘Just fine?’ - ‘I don’t know how else to feel.’ - ‘Why is that?’ - ‘We already talked about this.’ - ‘I know, I do re-call.’ - ‘Then why ask?’ - ‘In hopes that you’ll elaborate.’ - ‘Its been 2 years.’she nodded in approval.

I breathed in quickly, ‘I asked him to marry me on this day.’ - ‘go on.’ I shifted uncomfortably in my seat..


The sun beamed and the heat warmed me up, I sprung from my bed, “YES YES YES!!!!!!”

Sleeping with Sirens was back today. I was ecstatic.

Mike ran into the room, smiling from ear to ear, “YOU READY FOR THIS BIG BRO??” he jumped up on my bed, I laughed at how big of a kid he looked but I couldn’t help but join in, “I’ve been ready for this all my life!!” Mike jumped down, turning back to me, “I’m proud of you Vic, you deserve this.” My face burned red, I nodded. I was lost for words.


’Why’d you stop?’ - ‘Its hurts to remember..’ - ‘It hurts to try and forget as well Victor.’ My lip quivered, I bit down on it, ‘ya I guess.


I was practically bouncing in my seat, the thought of seeing him, let alone holding him was enough to drive one insane.

“SHIT.. Caaaalm down.” Jaime bellowed from the back seat, I burst out laughing. “HEY! Let him enjoy this, besides this is entertaining.” I heard Mike say.

The car haulted, I pressed my face against the window, desperately trying to seek him out. “Hey Vic… YO VICTOR!!” - “Shhhhhhh Jaime..” - “But dude…” - “nnnnnnnnoooooo nononono” I put my finger to Jaime’s lips, “Silence.” Tony burst out laughing. Jaime shrugged, “okaaaay, but I was just going to say that Kellin’s standing right behind the car, waving at you, but ya, silennnnce” he sat back, crossing his arms, smug.

My tummy did flips, turns, cartwheels, 360’s even. I sprung out of the car, only getting half way out the door before Kellin had me in his arms, I shook so badly. Pure excitement. “BABY!!” my knees went weak as soon as he said it. His voice, how I missed that sweet sound. “KELS!! Finally!” tears fell from my eyes, “I missed you so fucking much Kels!” tightening my arms, I held him as close to me as I could. He nuzzled his face into my neck, his warm breath causing goosebumps.

Kellin pulled away, those beautiful eyes gazing back into mine, “Baby, I wrote you something.” he look away, bashful. Those butterflies went crazy. “I’ll sing it for you tonight?” his smile was perfect and I couldn’t help but melt.

Gently I placed my hands on both sides of his face, leaning in, pressing our lips together. I hungered for his taste, I was nervous all over again, my hands fumbled as I moved them down his back, stopping as I wrapped my finger around the belt loop of his pants, pulling his closer, our lips moving together, breathing becoming shallow. Jesse cleared his throat. The way we were tangled up in each other was less then appropriate for everyone else, but I didn’t care.

He was home.


I looked out the window, fighting back the urge to cry.

‘Why do you think he did it?’ my voice broke, the pain becoming more prominent. - ‘I wish I could answer that.’ I nodded. ‘We can stop and take a break of you need to..?’ I looked back out the window, ‘no, I need to do this.’

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