Paparazzi - Dylan O'Brien

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I kidnapped Y/N for the day, knowing that she's been needing an escape. She's been stressed like crazy and I wanted to take her mind off of things. Even if it was only for a day. I hate seeing her not herself. We're not together romantically, but it doesn't mean I didn't fall in love with her.
To say it was love at first sight is an understatement. God in so in love with Y/N f-ing Y/L/N, that it literally, physically makes me lightheaded.
It's like that feeling you get that you can only find in your comfort show. Or the feeling of adrenaline coursing through your veins that suffocate your lungs.
She's completely unexplainable. You think she's just one of the good girls, but once you get to know her, you realize she's everything. She's crazy, she's funny, she's honest, and you'll never know what she's gonna do next. She's one of those girls that could either break your heart, soul, mind, just break you. Or she'll piece you back together like your a puzzle, and you'll be fine with either, because you got to say you know Y/N f-ing Y/L/N.
I've always told myself to fall in love with life before you fall in love with someone. And I did. I fell in love with music, acting, the little things that make you feel like a kid again. The feeling of the base of the music as the music is blasting in the car, rain as it comes in contact with your skin while your dancing in it not having a care in the word. I fell in love with the raw nature of life, and in the mist of falling in love with life, I fell in love with her.
See now i don't think you ever stop falling in love. I'm still finding things that make me fall in love with life, but now i have a reason to appreciate those things. I have a reason that makes every horrible thing that I've gone through, every single thing that made me want to end life, worth it. She's worth the worst kind of pain if it means I get to be with her, even if it's not romantically. I'll do anything to see her smiling.
"Where are you even taking me?" I'm trying to think of an answer without giving it away, but can't think of anything. "You'll see soon, we're literally almost there." I see her roll her eyes, which is a habit of hers that I picked up on.


"Target? Why are we at Target? Dylan I have things that I could be getting done." Why does she have to be so stubborn?
"You need a break. You've been way to hard on yourself lately and you need to let yourself be happy." "Dylan I-" " No, I'm not letting you talk me out of this. Now come on." I get out of the car and run over to her side to open the door for her before she has the chance.
"You're royal highness." I say as I bow and extend my hand. "Why thank you uber driver." Now there's the Y/N I know.
"Wanna race?" I can see a glimpse of the child in her eyes saying yes, but as soon as i saw it, it left. "Not really." She says while looking at our surroundings. "Why? You scared I'm gonna beat you?" I know she won't back down now because she's way too competitive.
"The only thing I'm scared of, is your confidence going out the window once I beat you." With that, shes off running to the entrance. After i realize what's happened, I run to catch up with her, but it's no use. She really is good at everything isn't she? "HA! I win! Now come on slow poke, let's go." I cant even talk. There's absolutely no air in my lungs. I have no idea how she makes it look so easy.


"So, why did you bring me here?" I don't respond. Instead, I grab the the toy swords that are to my left and throw of to her, grabbing one for myself. She catches on to my idea which surprises me, considering how long it usually takes her.
I really have to think about challenging her to things. She'll do anything to win. I mean anything.
After a while, I surrender not wanting to die. I go to put the swords back, knocking over all of them -plus other things- in the process.
"Dylan stop, you're gonna get us kicked out!" She says through a laughing fit.
That's all I wanted. To see her laugh at least once today. I curse myself out, knowing that i
I'm smiling like an idiot. But then she stops laughing as she sees my smile drop. "Dylan, what's wrong?" I look around panicking, looking for something to disguise us with. I find a hat for me, a bandanna for Y/N, and sunglasses for both of us.
"Hurry put these on!" She grabs them hastily."wait wh-" I look at her with pleading eyes letting out inpatient whine. "Hurry just put them on!"
I take her hand running in the opposite direction that we were going, and hide in a couple aisles down. "Sorry. Paparazzi." I look over at her giving her a sorry look, but she doesn't seem to be upset.
"You know, I have this feeling this isn't your first time running from them." She raises her eyebrows and smiles at me. God that smile. I look to the ground hoping she doesn't see me blushing.
"Yeah they've been on me lately about my new movie. Plus they think we're together." I mumbled the last part, as I'm looking around for them, making sure they didn't see what way we went.
"So let me get this straight. You took me out in public, when there was a high possibility of being seen, knowing people think we're in a relationship."I make eye contact with her again, not wanting to seem too suspicious. "Yeah I didn't really think it through. I'm more of a doer instead of a thinker. Crap they're coming. Come on."
We start running again, until I find a small space just big enough for the both of us. There's no way they'll look here for us. We're standing facing each other, as I'm peaking my head out looking to make sure we hide in time. "Okay, I think we're good in here." It's then that I realize how close we are. Like I said i'm more of a doer than a thinker.
"I- um- yeah- sorry I didn't really think this through." I blush again, but this time there's no hiding it. "Again." God, why is it so attractive when she makes a sarcastic comment. "Yeah. Again."
After the awkwardness passes, I try to make conversation. "So. First time being stalked by the paparazzi. How do you feel?" She thinks for a second before she answers. "It's pretty cool actually. I love the fact that there's people interested in me. I mean I know that they're probably, most likely, definitely here for you, but still. And plus all this hiding and running away makes me feel think I'm apart of the FBI or something."
There's a comfortable silence that falls around us even, though the store is crazy busy. The only thing I can hear is my heartbeat in my ears as we're making eye contact, neither of us daring to break it. "Don't go falling in love with me now." She says it in a whisper, that I almost don't hear what she says. Almost.
For some odd reason I decide that today, right here, right now, in the middle of Target, that I'm finally gonna tell her how I really feel. "Too late."
Once again, I do something without thinking, and kiss her. I do it fast enough that she can't reject me, but slow enough that if she's uncomfortable she can pull away.
But it's not my doing without thinking that shocks me. I'm use to that by now. It's that she kisses me back. Y/N f-ing Y/L/N is kissing me. HOLY CRAP Y/N F-ING Y/L/N IS KISSING ME! She pulls away to my dismay, but that's when I realize she pulled away because the paparazzi is like two aisles down.
"Let's make a run for it." This time, it's her pulling me, as we're running to the car like there's a mass serial killer chasing us. It's not till we make it to the car that we stop running, but even then, we rush to the car as I waste no time in starting the car and pulling out of the parking lot.
It's not till i hear her laughing that i process everything we just did, and laugh with her. "God the paparazzi is so stupid, that is funny." I was about to respond but Buzzcut Season by Lorde started playing on the radio, so I look over at her with the biggest smile on my face and turn it up to the point where we can physically feel the song.
Right before the lyrics start, she leans over and whispers the words I've been dying to hear since the first time I laid eyes on her.
"For the record, I already fell in love with you too." And with that, she sits back in her seat and starts singing at the top of her lungs. After I processed that she actually said that and i wasn't imagining it, i join in singing, well screaming, with her.
You really want to know what falling in love with life is like? It's living in the moment, being yourself, knowing your worth. But falling in love with someone, is knowing you would rather die then see them hurt. You'd rather have your blood be replaced with poison then see them shed one single tear. You'd go through pain, after pain, just know that they're happy. And I finally found someone who's worth all of it. And her names, Y/N f-ing Y/L/N.

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