i'll be hers. - Part 2: Dylan O'Brien

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DISCLAIMER: I'm not sexualizing's Dylan's accident! I know and understand that he and his family do not like talking about it! Like the first part, I wrote this a while ago and I've just gone back through and improved things. If you have any concerns please let me know :)

Warning: nothing too big, just light swearing

Don't get me wrong, I love my job. And I love Wes, but this movie is absolutely killing me. I was supposed to be leaving to go home (well to Y/N's) right about now, but they need me to stay a few more scenes. 

    I'm bringing home Olive Garden for Y/N and I, so I call her and tell her I'll be a little later then I thought

    "Hey beautiful, they need me to stay a little longer. I'll still bring dinner, but it's gonna be a little late. I'm so sorry, I wish I could just come home, but apparently the sun is at the perfect spot for this one stunt." I feel really bad so I'll stop at Target and get that movie she's been waiting to see.

"It's okay Dyl. I understand! I thought you had a stunt double though?" The thing about dating another actor is that they always understand, and I love that.

    "Not for this movie. All the stunts are pretty easy. Well maybe not the easiest. Like the one I'm about to film, I have to stand on a moving vehicle, but I should be totally." I say it like it's an everyday thing. I guess in a way it is for me.

"Right, super easy. Just be safe, okay?"


"Promise?" Even though she can't see me, I put my right hand in the air and say, "I Dylan Rhodes O'Brien, promise thy Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N, that I shall be safe while doing my stunt." I lower my arm with the stupidest smile on my face.

"You're such an idiot." I can hear her smile as she talks and it makes me fall even more in love with her.

"Alright I have to go, Andrew just got here. Be safe. I love you."

"I love you too darling. Sorry, I don't know where the darling came from. I've been spending way too much time with british people." I hear her laugh, and as I'm about to end the call, I hear Andrew. "Was that your precious Dylan you were just talking to?" I know it's rude to listen to people's conversations, but I can't tell if he's trying to be funny, or making a snarky comment, and I want to find out.

"Would you stop. I don't know why you hate him so much. He's literally done nothing wrong." I can already see her rolling her eyes. "Well if you really want my opinion-" She interrupts him, "no I don't," she said, "I have my own." Well there's my answer.

"DYLAN BE READY IN 5!" "Do you have your makeup done?" "Come with me." "Dylan, are you almost done with that phone call? We have a stunt to film." I completely ignore them and keep listening in on their conversation like I'm on some secret mission or some crap.

I wasn't listening for what?10 Seconds?  And now all I hear is yelling.

"BECAUSE I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU!" That's when my heart shattered. The worst part is, I couldn't even hear her response. I was being pulled in millions of directions.


    You know when you're doing something , but you forget you're doing it till something snaps you back into reality? That just happened to me. I don't even know when I got on the vehicle till Wes yelled action. Yet, the only thing I could hear was Andrew's words over, and over again. The scene in front of me was blurring together, not only because of the speed, but because of the tears that threatened to spill out of my eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2021 ⏰

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