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Crisp air drifted around the city square, twirling loose leaves around like the figurines in music boxes. It was a cold spring day when the market turned up in town.

Phil lugged his basket from the top shelf, gripping the woven handles tightly, "Hurry up! We should get there before noon!"

"Why?" Tommy asked, folding his arms, powdered sugar on his face.

"Because then it'll be too hot and the tarts will go bad!" Phil shoved the basket towards Tommy, grabbing a cooler as well. He dumped ice into the box and pressed the key lime, blueberry, and caramel tarts into the ice, praying they would stay put, "Fill that basket with pastries from the display case, cover it with one of the rags, and put it in the wagon." Tommy scoffed but did as he was told.

Wilbur came from the backroom, his guitar strapped to his back, a cup of coffee in his hands. He set the cup on the counter, helping Phil carry the icebox to the wagon. Tommy undid the latch, flipping down the door and sliding the two boxes into the horse-drawn carriage. He pushed the door back up and locked it.

"Excuse me," Phil heard a voice, he spun around, coming face-to-face with the man from the shop earlier.


"I was wondering where the Relic Market will be this year?" He asked, tapping his ax against the ground. He glanced at Tommy, striking a bolt of fear through the young boy. He finished tightening the latch and rushed inside, practically running to the backroom.

Phil watched as Tommy left, finding both his and Ranboo's reactions weird, he was just a man in a mask, "It will be... I'm not sure," Phil pushed his hair to the side and fixed his hat.

"That's a shame... you seem to be getting ready to go there," The man peered into the back of the wagon, placing a gloved hand on the wood, "Are you sure you don't know?" He turned his placid smiling face to Phil menacingly. Phil narrowed his eyes, glaring at the man.

"You're... Dream, right?" He asked, swatting Dream's hand from the wagon. Dream simply nodded, "What business do you have being around my family?"

Phil could feel Dream's glare through the mask, "I was just asking where the market will be, old man, cool off." He snapped, playing with the handle of his ax.

"That's it-" Phil rolled up his sleeves but was interrupted by Technoblade. Phil and Techno exchanged a couple of words and Phil turned to Dream, "Leave, don't come back." Dream straightened his back but still turned away, slinking down the street, he didn't look back. Phil sighed.


"If Tommy and Ranboo agree on something," Phil looked at Techno, "You know it's going to be bad."


Techno wandered the streets of the market, heels clicking on the cobblestone. He only snapped out of his thoughts when the clicking stopped, the sound replaced by the shf shf sound of shoes on grass. He looked around, eyes squinting behind rectangular glasses.

"Hello!" A sweet voice called, placing a hand on Techno's shoulder. He snapped away, pulling his hand back in shock, "Rude..." The woman stared at him. She was a little shorter than Technoblade, curling brown horns protruding from her temples, floppy peach-colored ears handing from the side of her head. She had thick wool-like hair and a stern complexion.

Techno rubbed his arms, realizing that the woman wasn't a threat, "Right... sorry, who are you?" He asked bluntly.

"My name is Captain Puffy..." She swept a hat from her head that Techno hadn't noticed before, it was big and blue, a large white feather stood sturdy in the brim. It was a captain's hat, "Pleasure..." She stuck out her hand.

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