CHAPTER 3: The Plan

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"I hate Rosabella Beauty!", hollered a tearing-up Apple, except she wasn't loud enough for anybody but Briar to hear.

"Wait, you mean my cousin? Why would you hate her Apple?" Briar asked trying to keep composed, however still deeply concerned as to what sparked such a response from her friend.

"Obviously Briar, unless there's another Rosabella you're aware of," Apple replied rolling her eyes. "A-and as for why..." she continued trailing off, "Briar, if I tell you this you can't tell a single soul, promise?"

The daughter of sleeping beauty lightly nodded bracing herself for the worse. What could possibly be so bad that could make one of the kindest most composed people at Ever After snap? Briar both was terrified and very intrigued in knowing what it was. After what felt like forever, the Blonde sighed and looked up to the ceiling before the words came pouring out of her mouth.

"I still have feelings for Daring, and I was so dead seat on him being my destined prince for my story that I hadn't even considered any alternatives but now that he turns out to be the so-called prince in Rosabella's story makes me feel I don't know-"

"Jealous?" Briar intercepted with a knowing look. She knew how important Apple's destiny was to her, losing the main villain of her story on their own will was bad enough for the girl but losing the guy she was supposedly supposed to live 'Happily Ever After' with to another girl was probably on a whole new level.

"Oh, no-no I don't get jealous, a future queen never gets jealous," Apple replied defensively putting her hands on her hips and staring at the wall, trying to avert her gaze from Briar who was staring her down suspiciously.

The brunette rolled her eyes and stood up from the chair she was once planted in and draped her arm around her friend's shoulder.

"Apple, everyone gets jealous it's perfectly normal. Besides, quite honestly I'm relieved." Briar received a pair of blue eyes looking at her with a confused stare at her last statement.

'Relieved? How could Briar possibly be relieved right now? My destiny is literally falling apart at the seams? What next the dwarves are gonna opt-out of my story too?' Apple thought to herself waiting for Briar to catch the hint, she never did.

"Relieved because-"

As if on cue Briar piped up in her usual perky tone, "Because I thought it'd be something way more serious like I don't know you being pregnant with Daring's child or something but since he's no longer in your 'big picture' it just runing everything." Apple perked up at the statement and cringed especially hard.

"Oh my fairy-godmother no Briar!" Apple couldn't help but smile a little bit, the fact that Briar managed to come up with the most out of this world scenarios not only made her feel a tad bit better but also reminded her that things could be a whole lot worse. However, that still didn't heal the never-ending gut-wrenching hole in her heart.

"I just don't know what I'm supposed to do now, no evil queen, no prince, what next no apple?!"

Briar shrugged, "I mean technically no evil queen no apple-"

"Not helping Briar," Apple replied with a deadpan glare.

"Sorry," Briar shrugged as she watched Apple begin to pace around in circles.

"I just don't know what I'm supposed to do to fix this, I mean I guess I could try and handle Raven opting out of my story but this, this is a whole nother level!" Apple said slightly entering a panic mode.

"It's not like you can get rid of Rosabella or something so that Daring doesn't have a choice but to run back to you," Briar replied halfwitted, however, she immediately regretted her words when she saw her best friends eyes light up.

"That's not such a bad idea Briar."

"You're right, 'cause it's a terrible idea, you're not actually going to plan to like kill my cousin are you?"

"No, absolutely not I'm not crazy, I just need to do something bad enough that can keep her away from Daring for a really long time, like a spell or something."

"Well then count me out then, I know nothing about spells, besides the worst thing that someone ever done to someone I know is put them to sleep for a hundred years," Briar responded rolling her eyes and slightly becoming impatient with Apple. She didn't understand whys she couldn't just accept the fact that Daring wasn't the prince in her story and that she should probably just move on. They were all free to write their destinies at this point anyway so why was Apple still so dead set on following hers?

"Hexcellent idea Briar! Why didn't I think of that! By the time Rosabella wakes up everyone would be long gone, yeah she would lose all her friends but it's a small price to pay, besides, I'm sure there are tons of beasts in castles just waiting for their beauty to find them."

"Just like I'm sure that there are tons of princes who are willing to wake up unconscious blondes in the middle of a forest," Briar mumbled under her breath.

''What was that?"

"Nothing," Briar responded. She didn't want to rile Apple up anymore and the blonde looked like she already had her mind made up and there was no persuading her. She was not in support of her plan in any way and would hope that the girl would come to her senses before it was too late. However, at the same time, she wanted her best friend forever after to have her happily ever after, one that she had worked and dreamed of her whole life. Briar was at a crossroads, she didn't know what to do in this situation, she just hoped that she hasn't put her family, her friends and all of every after in potential danger. 


Yoohoo! I hope you guys are enjoying the rewrite so far! I'm trying to keep the chapters as short as possible a sit makes writing easier for me and reading easier for yall! I wanted to add a lot more detail and plot to this story but I want to try to keep it as true to my original draft. I'll try my best to get 1-2 chapters up each week, and once again like I said, I'm most likely not doing anything this Summer so I'll be a lot more available to keep to that deadline. If anything changes though I'll let you all know. Bye!

- Alex

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