CHAPTER 6: The Curse

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Apple was currently ecstatic, her plan had worked, Daring was no longer hung up on Rosabella and she was now ensured a happily ever after. Did she feel bad for having to compromise the potential rest of Rosabella's life? Slightly, but all feelings of guilt were washed away every time reminded herself of what she had gained in the process. She was elated and although she would never admit it out loud, she was excited to see what the future had in store for her and Daring. The two, after their very audible confessions to one another, began strolling down the Ever After gardens admiring the flora surrounding them. Apple's hands were wrapped around Daring's arm as if neither of them wanted to let each other go. As they blissfully walked around the never-ending flower paths without a care in the world, their temporary utopia was momentarily interrupted by a certain Cupid.

Cupid had spotted the pair from across the garden as she was out looking for pink roses, her favourite flower. Seeing Daring and Apple so close together was a very confusing and new sight to her. Even when the two were under the guise that they were destined to be together they had never really shown each other much outward affection. Cupid cautiously approached the pair hoping to get answers concerning this newfound romance, especially since she was certain that Daring was still supposedly very interested in Rosabella.

"Hi Apple, Daring." The girl said in a flat tone her eyes shifting between the two every few seconds.

"Hi Cupid!" Apple squealed in a sing-song voice as she held Daring closer which only evoked a hum of contentment from the prince. "A lovely day we're having aren't we?"

Cupid nodded warily slowly redirecting her gaze towards Daring who was staring directly at Apple. The goddess was trying to make sense of the scene in front of her but every 'conclusion' she came to made less sense than the last.

"Apple, you wouldn't mind if I spoke to Daring alone for a few moments." She asked politely plastering on the best smile she could muster up at the given moment. Apple paused and eyes the girl suspiciously before obliging. Cupid quickly grabbed Daring by the arm and pulled him behind a hedge not too far from where Apple was standing.

"Daring, what the hex is going on." Cupid inquired placing both her hands on her hips.

"What did I do?" Daring responded not having the slightest clue what cupid could possibly be penalizing him for.

"Do not play dumb with me, you know exactly why we're having the conversation." However, Daring just looked at Cupid as if she was speaking a completely foreign language, "You and Apple, since when? What happened to Rosabella? You know all the confession classes? I did not just set that all up for you to just ditch her and decide that Apple is now your damsel in distress, especially since you know fate and destiny clearly doesn't have anything in store for you two." Cupid responded indignantly.

"But-" Daring began but was quickly cut off.

"What about Rosabella helping you to become a better person? When you were a big furry beast she was the only person willing to give you the time of day, did all of that mean nothing to you?!"

Daring sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair, his memories of his feelings for Rosabella were clouded and he didn't want to deal with any emotional confusion especially since he was already sure that he would be happy with Apple, 

"I suppose Rosabella was just helping to change me into a better person so I could be the prince that Apple needed, now if you'll excuse me I have a princess to return to." Daring hissed as he turned on his heel and returned to Apple leaving Cupid at a loss for words. Apple who was strategically eavesdropping on their conversation, felt good about herself in the given moment, even though it was mainly due to a love potion she didn't have to worry about Daring not being loyal to her since he was so quick to shut down any past feelings of Rosabella that Cupid tired to remind him about.

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