Meme 13

178 8 3

Person: How do you put an elephant into the fridge?

Human: Open the door, shove the elephant into the fridge, close the door.

Sophie: Get Edaline to conjure it into the fridge.

Sophie: No wait, what if the fridge is too small... SHIT...

Sophie: *snaps fingers in realisation* Get Dex to make the fridge bigger, then ask Edaline to conjure it into the fridge!!

Human and person: ...

Person: How do you put a giraffe into the fridge?

Human: Open the fridge door, take the elephant out, then put the giraffe in and shut the door.

Sophie: Same as earlier, but this time, the fridge doesn't need to be enlarged.

Person: There was a party in the jungle. Everyone went except one other person went. Who didn't go?

Human: The giraffe. It's in the fridge.

Sophie: Tam. Duh.

Person: A hunter wanted to cross the river. The river was usually filled with crocodiles, but the hunter wasn't eaten. Why?

Human: The crocodiles were at the party.

Sophie: The crocodiles are vegetarian. Again, duh.

(I had a little too much fun with this one.)

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