The Baby

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"Mummy?" I uttered with a shaky voice as I slowly sat on the chair

"I don't think you are in the position to ask me that silly!! Who the fuck is you?" She asked as walked right I front of me

"She's nobody Nadia can you just sit down and not create a scene"

"A nobody? Sabir did you just refer to me as a nobody?"

"Dee please you need to calm down" Sabir uttered

"why did you bring this thing into our home? I heard but I didn't believe but I just decided to come find out for myself" she asked facing Sabir

"Excuse you, don't you ever refer to me as a thing, ever!!"

"Dina you need to calm down"

"Really Sabir, she called me a thing and I am the one who needs to calm down?"

"Mummy you are not supposed to be here" Nabila yelled

"Shut your mouth Nabila" Nadia and Sabir yelled at the same time

"Nadia you have no regard for mum or the rest of the family? You just popped out of nowhere and decided to come create a scene here" Khalifa uttered

She just looked at khalifa rolled her eyes at him and said

"I can see everyone, besides y'all decided to give my husband out without my knowledge so I don't think anybody deserves my respect aside Idris who informed me about this"

The rest of the family just sat there and kept quiet, I don't blame them, what could they possibly say, plus I wonder who Idris is amongst the guys that are present, he sure does not like Sabir.

"Sabir, you need to make your choice now, Nadia or Dina" Duta uttered

"You choose her and I'll take Nabila away, you will never see her again" Nadia uttered 

Sabir took a deep breathe, now he literally has to choose between I and Nabila and I already know who he is going to pick, after about few minutes he said

"Dina I'm sorry"

"Yeah don't be, I understand" I replied as I walked out on them

Nabila ran towards me ams grabbed me by my wrist and said "Dina please don't go"

"I'm sorry Nabila" i said as I walked out of the dining and head straight to the room to pack my bags

"Babe what are you doing"

"Babe? Did you just babe me ?"

"I'm so sorry Dee"

"You called me a Nobody Sabir how can I ever forgive you for that? You told me she was gone"

"I don't mean it that way baby please, I thought she was gone too, babe please stop packing and let's talk about this"

"You chose her over me Sabir"

"I had to, she's the mother of my child and she's going to take Nabila away if I don't"

"Nabila is old enough to choose whoever she wants to stay with Sabir, you can fight for custody in court, but you just chose her right away, do you still love her?"

He kept quiet and didn't reply me, he just sat on the bed with his head down which made my heart break even more, I must have been a fool for thinking we were going to live happily ever after. I finished packing my bags and said

"Pls just make sure the jet is ready to fly me back to London by 9am tomorrow, goodbye Sabir" as I walked toward the door and then stopped for a second and turned to him,

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