Chapter 3 : Comunication errors

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Sniper shot POV

Breaking up a brawl wasn't on my datapad list to do or wanted to deal with since it involved wreckers which usually got resolved by Rebound but looks like today wasn't the case, clearing my vocaliser I quickly barked out orders to get the crowd to disperse "Alright Alright take it down a notch and return to your quarters " watching the mechs and femmes I quickly rounded on my sister doorwings raised slightly as I spoke a scolding tone leaking into it " Ree why didn't you step in?" Watching her frame take a slightly defensive behaviour I wondered what kind of sarcastic nonchalant tone I would get but the reply just plain annoyed me as Rebound stood there shifting as she spoke not meeting my blank look with her single optic"I didn't think it was my place ya know since technically it is your ship"

Without a second word to her reply turning on pede I stalked away to my office and by the pedes following me my older sister was following

No one POV

Entering the office fifteen clicks later Sniper shot took to the position behind her desk silence permeating the room almost suffocating "Ree you alright?" speaking softly while looking at her sister in concern Snips frowned at the shrug in response from the usually confident femme who could take some of the toughest cons without a single processor thought " I'm fine....well fine to extent for being a half blind praxian with no wings" what would sound sarcastic to some but to snips sounded a ventation of pain from the lower octaves of syllabus that her wings picked up "you've been handling it well Ree, I might chew you out sometimes but I mean well because your my sister and probably I rely on you too much with the wreakers but that's because I trust you " speaking softly the younger femme looked away wondering what was going through the others processor when they both pulled a face at a playful poke from their middle sister along with a comm "Hey Whats got you two upset?"
teased percussion in her cheerful gentle tone like she knew something was wrong...


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