incorrect quotes #1

53 1 14

Tales from the smp

Lost city of mizu

Y/n: *walks into the the cafeteria at 6 am knowing everyone didn't sleep well the night before and smirks* it's Wednesday my dude~ *screeches*

Ranbob: I'm gonna kill her.

Benji: not yet.

Haunted mansion

Frances: Have you guys seen (y/n) and Melody? They still have chores to do

Rash: No, haven’t seen them since the storm started

Zach: Since the sto- (Y/N) NO!

Meanwhile, creeper hybrid!(y/n) standing in the middle of a thunderstorm with an iron shovel raised high: STRIKE ME DOWN ZEUS, YOU DON’T HAVE THE BALLS

The town that went mad

Cornelius: From now on, we’ll be using code names. I’ll be “Eagle one”

Cornelius: Catboy!corps is “been there, done that”

Corpse, ignoring Cornelius:

Cornelius: Y/n Codename is “currently doing that”

Y/n, choking on air:

Cornelius: Helga will be “happened once in a dream”

Helga, laughing:

Cornelius: Jimmy, you are going to be “if I have to pick another one, that is not Y/n”

Jimmy, taking out a gun:

Cornelius: And Jack is “Eagle two”

Jack: Thank god-

Lost city of mizu again

Ranbob, setting down a card: ace of spades

Charles, pulling out an uno card: +4

Isaac, slamming a Pokémon card down on the table: JOLTEON I CHOOSE YOU!

Y/n, crying: W-what the fuck are we playing?!???

The pit

Ran coming around the corner: “Y/n have you seen— ”

Y/n: “YEET!”  *throws baby zombie Piglin (you name it) at Ran like a football*

Ran: *catches him* “
ah z/p/n there you are *calmly walks away holding z/p/n*

Watson: “. . . What the fuck?”

Y/n: *gently taps table*

Ran: *taps back*

John: um...what are they doing?

Watson, sighing: Morse code.

y/n: *aggressively taps table with a smug look*

Ran, covering his face: Y/N DO NOT FLIRT WITH ME.

(Y/n): Bye Ran! Bye Porkius! Bye Bartholomew! Bye Jackie! Bye Ran!

Jackie: You said ‘bye Ran’ twice.

Y/n: I like Ran.


Puffy: We call THAT a traumatic event.

Puffy, to Y/n: Not a “bruh moment.”

Puffy, to Tommy: Or a “major L.”

Puffy, to Ranboo: Or an “oof lmao.”

The masquerade

Y/n: I want you to kill my ex but make it look like an accident

Sir billiam: Say no more

*Later on*

Sir Billiam: Looks like the killer beat him to death with a crowbar and placed a banana peel by his feet

Ranbutler: Where’s Karl, Sebastian, and James?

(Y/n): They’re playing hide and seek.

Ranbutler holding dagger: Where?

(Y/n) also holding a dagger: I don’t think you get how this game works.


Dream being y/n's older brother: so you're telling me. You platonically married an enderman,a child, and a bee to spite me

Y/n: *slowly taking off all her rings* nooooo...

All of these besides the first and last one came from tumbler I don't remember all the names so enjoy this compilation of crackhead jokes also don't judge the last one it came to me at 3am

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