-Glass Breaking- *JournalEntry1*

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Tommy looked at the mess in front of himself, he was crying.had a black eye where sparring went wrong with techno an hour earlier, the only reason Tommy left was cause of the comment, that was made by his friends. "Heh yours so weak tommy! *Laughs*" *more laughs*....it hurt Tommy a lot more then they had known , so here Tommy sat leaning against the bathroom door his friends downstairs having fun with 'rAnBoO'. Tommy. Was. Pissed. The most angry he had been in ages. Tommy's eyes fired up he was sick of being replaced ignored! Deemed weak! Useless! He wasn't! He knew he wasn't! Tommy rolled up his sleeves looking at his gloves that he used to get a better grip when climbing trees, he then punched the wall. HARDER then what techno hit, and I'll tell ya' techno doesn't go easy on anyone. Tommy hit again, and in 2hits the wall broke,a hole punched in it, the others unbeknown to him had heard and were peeking up the stairs all listening in (techno/Ranboo/Phil/Wilbur) Tommy screamed "FUCK!!!!!" He sounded genuinely. PISSED. He hit the mirror and a shatter could be heard the group rushed in techno just reaching through the hole made next to the door to unlock it, and a gasp was heard Tommy had punched the mirror, then window, then any other glass thing that remained all whilst screaming incoherent mumbles about not being fucking weak, from that day on. Everyone knew not to truely anger Tommy, if said something that could go the wrong way , without a doubt befor it hits the half hour mark, apologise otherwise Tommy's true rage breaks thru,

Journal Entry &1&

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