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<-Kim Taehyung pov->


Hi! My Name is Kim Taehyung!

 As you all may know, I'm a member of a famous boyband called BTS. I'm a proud member of that band along with my other six members; Hyung Jin, Namjoon, Yoongi, Jimin, and Hoseok along with our maknae Jungkook. We adore one another as well as take care of each other as if we were brothers. We've been in this together for almost 7 years and let me tell you...it's the best. Though we don't get to do the things average people would do often, we make do with what we can and enjoy it to the fullest.

Jungkook, Jimin, and I are known as the maknaes as we are the youngest of the group. Jimin the oldest, then me then our little kookie. We do almost everything together. Eventually my brotherly love towards a certain member, Jungkook turns into something more...something like a crush. Whenever I see him I get butterflies in my tummy and I turn bright red whenever our skin touches and I-I couldn't hide it anymore.

One day after our practice session and I told him I wanted to talk with him in private for a second and he happily went with me, like legit happily went with me. His lips formed a big whole smile which showed his bunny tooth that looked so cute, I LOVE HIS BUNNY SMILE!!..umm- *clear's throat* a-any ways..b-back to the story at hand.

He followed me into a private enclosed space and I expressed my true feelings for him. At first, I was nervous and discouraged but I sucked it up and let my heart pour out its true feelings. At first, when I had finished telling him all my thoughts and desires, I felt like he wouldn't say a thing or just feel weird out. Wanting to forget everything that I had told him cause he wasn't saying a word, I sigh and was about to leave but as I was leaving, I felt a strong grip on my arm, pulling me back into a long and passionate kiss. I was Junngshooed...I wasn't expecting this, at all. But neithertheless, I was happy and accepted the kiss. When it was over, we looked into each other's eyes and started to what felt like hours, lost for words...he then said to me, 

"I have loved you since I first met you. At first, I thought of it as brotherly love. I used that as an excuse...but then...things started getting more and more complicated. Whenever I see you with others I feel this feeling of anger bubbling up within me. I always wanted to take you away from anyone who comes near you. I thought it must have been because I thought of you as my most prized Hyung since you and I did and do everything together...then a few months ago, I started to take note of what I felt and tried to look for answers, I searched these feelings up and went to Hyung Namjoon who then told me I- no my friend which I used an alias was in love. I was star-struck by his response but neither the less happy. I wanted to confess to you my love's desire but I was too scared. When the moment had arrived that you wanted to talk to me in private and you expressed your feelings for me first I was so happy."

I was so happy when he had told me his true feelings, we were both madly in love with each other and now we both know. We kissed yet again and after that day we've been in a romantic relationship with each other. Soon after like two months in, our hyungs started to suspect things so we came out to them, they supported us surprisingly and we were so glad. After that day, 5 months later, Namjoon and Jin Hyung came out as well, and now we had two couples in the group.

And so..that was the beginning of the road of love within the group. About two years into this relationship, I started having this feeling that Jungkook was cheating on me...he never seems to show the compassion he used too and he never seems to have time for us. Expected since we have a busy schedule and all, but still...We made it work back then, didn't we? I talked to him about this, me not liking us not having time for one another, he kissed me on the lips and reassured me saying, "Don't worry babe, I'll make it up to you soon''. Just hearing his soothing voice I forgave him in an instant and forgot all my worries. He would make us both go out on a date somewhere nonpublic but nice, just him and I and I was happy with just that. Thinking all of this would come to an end, my mind will always go back to this same question, "Is Jungkook cheating on me?.."

The same thing happened over and over and over again and again...I'm starting to feel numb to this thing I have pent up within..sigh...I don't know how long I can keep this up.

Coming home early one evening from the company as Jungkook and Jimin had headed home first, the other members were at the company I was was not too long ago. I came home to hear a shocking sound coming from within Jungkook's room. To my hurtful surprise, it was Jimin and Jungkook having sex.

I broke into silent tears.

I dashed away from the sight and left without them knowing. From that day an, I knew that things will never be the same. The very next day, I didn't return home that day. The members were worried. I feed them a lie so I wouldn't start things up as I did have the right too.

If Jungkook wasn't happy with me, why didn't he just say so? Was I just a fling now? A thing of the past?

I avoided him and he didn't notice, not surprised though...he as Jimin to care for.


A few days on I gave up on Jungkook, mentally and played along physically. I grew to play along with his game... I'll turn the tables and make it mine very soon...

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