lucky rabbits foot!(nagitos execution from eliminating chiaki)

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For the murder of chiaki fujisaki this execution is diffrent. Nagito is tellaported to a room where theres 3 doors, one that has a rabbits foot that is painted red, one that has a grim reaper, and one that had a ainchent mask that meant bad luck. Nagito runs into the door with the rabbit foot and got caught at a dead end and he stood there confused, he felt a pain in his right calf and looked down to see his foot fall to the ground. he grunted loudly and fell on his ass almost crying from his pain.

Soon enough 2 doors apear in frount of him and one showed water and the other showed a 4 leaf clover. Nagito desprately trys getting up but stumbled a bit since his foot was decapitated. he stumbled to the four leaf clover and hopped through it. He got to the door at the end and he thought he was ok!... he turned around and a knife that flew right by shot him right through the arm. With blood dripping from his leg and one from his arm making a deep pink blood puddle. another knife was shot on his other arm and leg leaving him hopeless and no luck on getting out.

He tilted his head behind him and saw a dart board. he looked upfrount and found monokuma with a red button. Monokuma pushed the button and a dart flew on the board over nagitos head and missed, Nagito gasped in releaf but monokuma kepped pressing the button over and over again till one hit right next to nagitos head littraly 2 inches away from his face monokuma aimed at his head finally and it shot out, nagito closed his eyes and smiled to be face with death himself, he got shot in the middle of the head and that was the end of nagito komeada...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2021 ⏰

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