Complete break up

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I meet Keena several months ago. We started dating and become a couple. One day she started avoiding me. Everyday is always the same... And I hate it...

" Keena, wanna go to my house later?" I ask her.

" sorry I have cheer dance practice remember?"

The next day...

" Keena?" i called her in her classroom but she wasnt there.

I found her in the canteen. " Hey! Keena i was looking for you. Your mother said you catch a cold last night. Are you ok?"

"oh umm.. No not really. You better stay away from me if you dont wanna catch my cold. Bye Rasmer." as she run cheerfully away from me.

And the next day...

" Is Keena here?" i ask her classmate..

"she left the room few minutes ago.. Hey Rasmer, Did you and Keena had a figth? I saw Keena crying yesterday. Shes crying about Lester."

Did i heard it right? My girlfriend cring over a guy?

"wait? Did you say ?Lester? The guy in the drama club?"

Her friend notice that she had said to much. " oh! Um.. T-That .. Uummm.. Dont mind it. I-It was just a game Rasmer. Why would Keena cry over Lester. I mean your much more handsome than Lester, i mean your a varsity of soccer also the last years prom king. And all the girls are chasing you right? So theres no way that Keena would cheat in a guy who lives like a hot sexy vampire. So Rasmer, dont think anything bad about Keena. Oh and shes not avoiding you so do--"

"Chelsy stop." i said to shut her up. You know? Sometimes i have a feeling that Chelsy likes me. When Keena is leaving our table during lunch, the only left was me and Chelsy. She keeps stummering when shes telling me stories.

" Ok ill shut up." she said looking away.

"wheres Keena?" i ask her.

"shes in the dr-- nope! I dont know where she is." she said leaving. But i grab her arm and pulled her, causing for her to fall in my arms.

"Hey! Wha!-- w-what are you doing Rasmer?!?" i hold her in both arms and faced infront of me.

"Chelsy! Dont lie, wheres my girlfriend?!"

I can feel dont know what to say. This girl is a pain in the ass." and what is this about Lester?!?"

"you know Rasmer," she said in a calm voice " your not a good boyfriend for Keena. Causing for her to cry to me. Shes unhappy you know! She dont want you no more. She fell out of love for you!"

Without doing anything, my mind is set to Keena always. I left Chelsy without saying a wold.

Keena, what did i do ?

So according to Chelsy, shes been suffering all this week. She dont like me anymore....

So why am i finding her? I know shes cheating on me.

While walking back home, i finally saw her. Shes walking by the park straight to home. I cornered her. Wearing my hoodie and a jeans and my hands on my pocket. Its hard to speak to her but atleast i can see her and be her boyfriend, one last time.

She was suprised to see me " Oh! Rasmer, your home early. Chelsy said that you skipped the last subject. Why is that? " she asked me while smiling.

I was looking at the floor emotionless.

" Hey? Rasmer? Is everything ok?" she said wiping my cheeks.

" yeah yeah... Umm Keena?" as i called her sweet name. " you arent cheating on me right?" looking her in the eyes.

She was suprised " why would you think of that? I love you Rasm--"

"its ok if you love Lester. I wont argue with that."

Her expression now is very suprised. She was shaking and she cant look directly in my eyes.

" w-what are y-you talking about? I love you more than anyone Rasmer! Why would you say that!?! Me and Lester are friends remember?!? His my best friend! Who told you that we are hooking up?!?Rasmer! Your making me mad!"

I didnt answer. I cant tell her that her own best friend reveal it infront of me.

" Rasmer! Who told you?!?" her tears started to pour.

" nevermind who told me... " i said in a calm voice. Its hard to pretend that its ok..

" tell me Rasmer!" she was crying in my chest and keep on punching me but it didnt hurt as usual.

I wiped her tears and i kissed her passionately...

" its ok... You dont have to hide anything away from me from now on." i said. My eyes started to water up but i didnt show her that i was hurt really bad.


"Ill be the one to break up with you. So you wont need to explain everything. I know your loving Lester while carrieng a big rock. I want you to release that rock. . . .The rock was me Keena." i removed the ring she gave me and tossed it away.

I was wiping her tears but saying this word makes me cry also. "y-your free Keena. "

I feel her being frozen up and not moving. I hugged her tightly and finally i released my feelings and cried harder while hugging her.

" im sorry for being a bad boyfriend."

After that, i left her standing still without saying anything..

And the ends our relationship... One last time.

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