chapter 2: passed out

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The weather is going to be 39°C which is really hot out and there will Properly have some people passing out I just need to remember to drink water to keep hydrated and eat a little more than I usually do. I don't really do good in the heat and I might pass out because it has happened in the passed. Let's see where I'm working today I hope I'm working in the tower because I won't overwork myself.

No I'm doing rescues its ok though I will get and I won't get overheated I will do great today let's see who I'm with today yay it's with Harrison. Even though I can already feel the effects of the hotness and stuff I'm happy that I get to do work today with Harrison maybe he will be my knight if I passed out but let's not get to ahead of myself. 

(skip to break)

As Harrison and I were walking to the tower I started to feel dizzy and I started to have blurry vision also I started sweating so I sat on the sand to try and get better but it got Harrison's attention. "Alex are you ok?" Harrison asked. "no I think I'm going to pass out." I said. He then carried me to the tower and put me on the medical bed and as soon as he did that I passed out.

Harrison's POV:

Once Alex passed out I started to get worried but I had to push it behind and try to get her up. "Maxi I need oxygen now." I said. Maxi gave me the oxygen and I put it on her a few minutes later Alex started to wake up but was still out of it but I don't think we don't need an ambo "damn it I knew this would happen." Alex said. "what do you mean?" I said. "I don't do well in the heat." Alex said.


sorry for the long wait I've been really busy 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2021 ⏰

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