Just a Lie

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You said you loved me
You said you cared
You said you'd never leave
And I believed you
I trusted you
But then
You left

You said you would always be there
You said you would always comfort me
Even at my worse
You said you would never let go of me
Then you let me go
And left me to drift away
In my sea of pain

You said you cared
You said you never let me get hurt
Never let my heart break
But then you smashed it
You smashed it into tiny pieces
And didn't even bother to pick them up

And the worst thing
The worst is that I believed you
I believe you wouldn't leave
That you wouldn't leave
That you wouldn't hurt me

But now I see
That everything was a lie
You were a lie
We were a just a lie
And now I just want die
Fall and be freed from the pain
And finally be able to fly

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