2: Something Has To Give

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Fuyumi yelped as she tumbled to the ground. At least her fall was broken by all the clothes she had been carrying. Carefully she stood back up and started gathering all the clothes back into her arms, stumbling her way to the laundry room. 

It was a lot of work, taking care of her brothers. After she started the laundry she had to help Natsuo with his homework and make sure Shoto read his book of the week. Plus there was still dinner to make, they had eaten all the leftovers yesterday. At least cooking wasn't that bad. There were worse things, like laundry and dishes. 

When Fuyumi finished up with the laundry and started on her way back to Natsuo's room, she walked past Shoto, who was running down the hall at an alarming speed. "Big sis! I don't wanna train but dad says I have to!" He said, his voice clearly distressed and close to tears. His bandages were off now but the scar still hurt quite a bit. Shoto was in no condition to train, and to be honest he never was. He was 5 for god's sake. 

'What would mom do?' Fuyumi wondered. She didn't want Shoto to injure himself or make a mistake that warranted a beating. Then she remembered. When Touya didn't want to train he would take them to the park. The excuse that people needed to see them having fun around the neighborhood always worked. It wasn't too late, only 4pm, so as long as they were back before 6 it would be fine. Fuyumi could just make something from the freezer instead of cooking. 

"Wanna go to the park?" She asked, a genuine smile on her face. Shoto's face lit up and he nodded happily. 

Natsuo could bring his homework along and the dishes could wait. 

----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ------- ------- ------ ------ 

Their father got home at 6pm. He always did, at least during the week. It was 4:50pm right now. So why was he home? 

But it didn't matter why. Enji was home and he was fuming with anger. 

"Where were you?" He demanded. Natsuo dragged Shoto away the moment they saw their father, leaving Fuyumi to face the man alone. "I remember telling you that you had to grow up. That does not mean leaving the dishes dirty and not making dinner.". 

Fuyumi gritted her teeth and faced her father. "It was nice out. I wanted go to the park with Natsu and Sho..." She trailed off. Enji's stare hardened. 

"And here I thought you could be useful, turns out your a total waste of my time!" His flames lapped at Fuyumi's hair, making her pull it back instinctively, not willing to let it get singed off. "You're just like your fucking mother!" He bemoaned, slamming his fist into the wall hard enough to punch through it.  

In about 5 seconds, Endeavor's quirk went from manageable to directly attacking Fuyumi. She didn't even know if he meant to do it, but the flames were inching closer and closer with each passing second as her father shouted at her. His words were lost in the sounds of the crackling fames and the heat surrounding Fuyumi's body. 

When he raised his flaming hand to slap her across the face, Fuyumi's body decided it was enough. Crackles of blue lightening shot out from her body, freezing the burnt corners of the room leaving a thin layer of frost in their wake. Scampering backwards in shock, Fuyumi made the mistake of slipping on her own frost, aiming her hand right for her father. 

The bolt of out of control lightening that hit him was strong. Not long after Enji hit the floor there was a crack of thunder. Thunder. Fuyumi stared at her hands in shock. She had never produced anything large enough to do that before. Half Endeavor's face was covered in rapidly melting ice. 

It was terrifying. 

She knew Touya had frightening power. His quirk was overwhelming. It consumed him and anyone near him. Natsuo had a powerful quirk too. It was their mother's but stronger. And Shoto, well Shoto was lined up to be the most powerful of all her brothers so far. Shoto would be the most powerful Todoroki, according to their father. Fuyumi often wondered if he would ever surpass Touya's power and take the title from their deceased brother. 

But Fuyumi had never considered herself powerful until this moment. She was a books over sports, painting over tag person for that exact reason. 

Somehow, looking at her father's stumbling form as he clutched the scar on his jaw and stared at her with a fearful expression, she couldn't find it in herself to feel remorse. There was some semblance of the feeling from playing hero bleeding into her mind. 

Maybe this was what being a real hero felt like, maybe it wasn't but it didn't matter in the end. 

Because Fuyumi scared herself. 

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That night after tucking her brothers into bed and treating the tiny burns she got from her encounter with her father, Fuyumi snuck out again. 

This time she had a plan, and a sweater. She couldn't just let her quirk run wild every single time. 'Frost Flicker' wasn't nearly as weak as she thought it was and she couldn't risk hitting anyone. She was scared to hurt someone again, even if her father was mean. So the plan was just to use it once, only enough to see if she could get the lighting forceful enough to create thunder again.

So as she reached the burnt forest, Fuyumi took a deep breath and let the sparks in her hands build up. She wasn't quite sure what her quirk even did, she was great at suppressing it, not using it. The only real option there was point her hand at something and hope it worked like her brother's quirks did. 

More and more blue flickers appeared, hitting the ground and creating patches of frost where they landed. Eventually, Fuyumi gathered up the courage to shoot it out. 

A massive crack of lightening hit a nearby tree stump, cracking it in half as ice started to rapidly form around it. Thunder soon followed. 

 Suddenly, someone grabbed the back of the girl's sweater and tugged her away. Sasaki Mirai had never seen something like that before. It was as if the kid had planned to unleash all that she had. That and her quirk was absolutely wild. How did you get cold lightening? 

What shocked him more was that his quirk activated without him know, launching him forcefully into the future of some random kid. 

A looming figure he couldn't quite make out was holding the girl's pale arm. It was bruised and burned. The man shouted something like 'how dare you?' and the girl was screaming and clutching a younger boy with white and red hair. It was horrifying. 

Fearfully, Sasaki let go of the girl and took her appearance in. Shaggy white hair with bright red streaks. Her eyes were a glowing turquoise but dimmed as the sparks from her hands faded. He held himself back from just shouting violently about what he saw in this maybe 10 year old girl's future. 

"Kid, do you have someone you should be defending yourself agaisnt?" He asked without thinking. At the girl's wide and fearful eyes he backtracked. "Sorry, that was weird. Uh, are you in any danger right now? I mean beyond being out way past your bedtime.". 

The girl shook her head. "I'm sorry." She said quickly "I didn't mean for it to get out of hand or anything.". 

"That's not the problem." The pro hero assured her. He realized there was no nice way to say this, so he just asked what he needed to. "Do you think you could hit a person with that lightening?". 

Fuyumi's eyes went even wider, if that was possible. 


An unusual mentor choice, I know, but I kinda think of him as someone trying to save people from their own destinies, and that kinda fits the story. 

Stay Tuned! 

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