10: Welcome To U.A!

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So I wanted to put Uwabami in this fic (cause even if I have to drastically change ages of heroes in their 20s I'm going to because I kinda want a cast of canon characters) but she doesn't have a name.

For this fic I have named her Hebi Yumie. Hebi is literally the Japanese word for snake and Yumie in Japanese has the characters for 'help' and 'serpent'. Pretty appropriate for a snake hero 😅


The classroom door was huge. Huge and intimidating. 

Maybe it was just to accommodate students who were physically larger, but right now it seemed like it was just that tall to scare students off. 

And it was working. 

Fuyumi swallowed nervously, her hand hovering just centimeters from the handle to slide the door open. 

"Hey what's the hold up, slow poke?" A voice asked jokingly. Fuyumi turned in place to see the blonde haired girl from the entrance exam standing behind her. She had jazzed up her uniform, ditching the tie and wearing several necklaces. She was dressed so flashily it was jarring to see against Fuyumi's perfectly ironed uniform worn exactly to the standard set in the student handbook. 

"You!" The girl said excitedly, "From the entrance exam! I never got your name. I'm Takeyama Yu.". She held her hand out for Fuyumi to shake. 

"Um, Niwa Fuyumi." She stuttered out. 

Yeah, so she had handed in a 'preferred name' form so that everyone at U.A would call her Niwa instead of Todoroki. Her father still didn't know she was going here, so she couldn't risk it. 

"I'm super glad you got in! I knew you could do it." Yu beamed, "Come on, we'll go in together.". 

She linked their arms together and slammed the door open, tugging Fuyumi inside while she struggled clumsily to walk beside Yu. 

The classroom appeared to already be in a 'state'. There was a girl curling her hair at her desk, the boy from the entrance exam-Nishiya-was watering several small trees, two people literally on the ground fighting and one voice trying to shout over the chaos. 

"Stop that right this instant!". The unmistakable voice if Iida Tensei. "You should all be ashamed of yourselves for acting in such a manner.". 

Tensei and Fuyumi had grown up in the same circles. The 'pro hero family rich kid' circle, to be specific. But seeing that they were in the same class made Fuyumi nervous. He could completely blow her cover or tell his parents, who might mention it to her father. That absolutely couldn't happen. 

"Tensei!" She called out, her voice sounding more like a whisper than a shout. Still, he heard her and turned around. 

"Fuyumi?" He said, shocked. "You got in? That's amazing.". Fuyumi nodded and let go of Takeyama so she could grab Tensei's hand and start to drag him out of the classroom. 

"Um thanks. I really need to talk to you though, alone." She said, trying to get him to leave the classroom. 

She slid the door open and was about to walk through it when she saw a giant yellow wall. Confused, she followed the wall up until she saw the face of a very tired looking man. He looked halfway dead. 

"I never expected people to be leaving the classroom already." The man said, unzipping what was apparently a sleeping bag and shrugging it off. His baggy black clothing didn't help the overtired aesthetic. "But if you want to leave U.A on day one, go right ahead. I wont stop you.". 

There was an underlying threatening nature to the comment that made Fuyumi nervous. She let go of Tensei's hand immediately and the pair both rushed back into the classroom and took the first two seats available. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2022 ⏰

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