Many A Sleepless Night, But Not With You

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{You're unable to sleep...unsurprisingly, neither can Loki}


3:31...lovely. The fluorescent glare of the alarm clock caused my pupils to shrink back. I moaned, hands reaching to rub the crusts of sleeplessness from my tear ducts. It wasn't entirely often that I found myself in these types of situations. Sleep came naturally to least that's what I thought.

I let out a groan of frustration as I starfished my twin bed in an achy stretch. After a few moments of debating whether or not a trip downstairs was warranted, I decided to leave the warmth of my bed for a fresh cup of tea. I padded my way down, fuzzy slippers slapping against the stairs as I made my descent towards the kitchen. I opened the fridge and was instantly greeted by a chill that made my arm hairs stand alert. I single-handed a gallon of milk as my other hand fingered the wall to find the light switch. Back still turned, I began to brew my tea. The sleepytime herbals wafted in and out of each nostril and I took a breath in, savoring its floral scent.


As I turned back around, a shadowed figure came into my peripheral without further warning.

"Shhhit!" I jumped nearly a foot from the tiles.

Loki was seated at the kitchen island, a large mug of black tea steaming between his slender hands. A small smirk tugged at the corner of his lips as my milky drink splattered all over my pajama top.

I looked down, angrily wicking the moisture from the damp fabric as best as I could, "God damn it..." I murmured.

Loki stood for a moment, reaching forward and utilizing his magic to reverse the spill. My shirt became a sponge as the tea practically vanished into thin air.

I sighed, the flat of my palm smoothing over the now completely dried top half, "Thank you."

He nodded gently, taking a seat again, slurping from his cup, and gesturing for me to join him. I took the empty seat on his left and downed nearly half of my tea.

"Difficulty sleeping, pet?"

I took another lengthy sip as I nodded, "Mhffmm."

"Presumed so." He stated simply, finger glossing over the white ceramic rim.

I placed an elbow on the marble countertop and smooshed my cheek into my hand, the other coming to find Loki's arm. My fingernail traced the lines of his cerulean veins. He was warm and I wanted nothing more than to invite myself into the length of his torso.

"What about you...? Any particular reason why the ever-so-infamous Loki of Asgard is awake at such an hour?"

He chuckled, trying his best to disguise how exhausted he truly was, "I like waking this early...waiting for the sun to rise...enjoying the sounds of the birds as they sing their morning songs...yah-dah, on and so forth..."

My posture straightened, "Cut the crap. I know damn well you couldn't sleep either."

His eyebrows furrowed, creating a knot in the center as he spoke once more, forcing out a not-at-all-convincing look of despair, "I don't know what you're talking about, my dear..."

I reached forward, placing the pad of my thumb along the deep, dark half circles under his baby blues. He leaned into my touch and I could've sworn I heard him moan.

"Well, the pretty, little bags under your eyes are kinda telltale, don't you think...?"

He scoffed, playfully swatting my advances away before reaching for my fingers and lacing them in the spaces between his own, "Alright, alright...maybe I've been experiencing a BIT of trouble."

Loki Laufeyson: A One Shot SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now