Ocean Water and Other Human Things

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{Despite his protests, you take Loki to the beach...he'll find a way to enjoy it, right?}


The salt clung to the air, stuckfast like dog hairs to a cotton shirt. The inescapable scent wafted in and out of each nostril, setting my soul alight the moment we set foot on the beach. 

Loki trudged on, one hand furled into his pocket and the other cuffing a cooler full of ice cold drinks. A bag filled to the brim with goodies was slung over his shoulder. His face was one of displeasure; nose scrunching, eyes melting into slits as he tried his best to avoid the sunlight. The day was beginning to come to a close and yet the big, gold star in the sky just wouldn't quit it, its setting rays creating a blinding reflection over the water.

I couldn't help but laugh at how painfully out of place the lanky, fully-clothed man looked into comparison to myself. While a pastel green, lace cover hid my bathing suit, Loki had on a musty grey v-lined shirt and a pair of black, ankle-length jeans. There was no way in the seven Hells that man would be comfortable getting sand in those skinnies.

I was quick to kick my sandals off, feeling the teensy pebbles split between my toes. I let out a gentle moan, relishing in the feeling. For a moment, I was lost in my own, little Hawaiian world. That was up until Loki's voice sounded. It was filled with malice, coated in gruff, with just a sprinkle of irritation.

"How long do we plan on being here?" 

I let an eye open as I adamantly noted, "As long as I say." 

He grumbled something under his breath, but I was all too distracted to notice whether it was a sentence or a curse word. I looked down for a moment as Loki began to toe the sand with the front of his shoe.

I let a smirk dangle from my lips, "It wouldn't have been my choice to wear patent leather tuxedo shoes on the beach, Loks..." 

The man whined like a child, bending over to unlace the ties, slip them off, remove his socks, and fold them into perfect pocket squares.

God, help me here.


The strange sound escaped from his chest once the flats of his bare feet hit the hot sand. I cackled as he speed walked like a seagull closer to the water, setting the bag and cooler down wherever he deemed it necessary. The objects landed with a dull thump against the ground. Once there, I unraveled a beach towel and blanketed it over the earth. Loki turned his head, eyes stuck staring as he followed my lead and did the same. His motions were articulate and precise. My butt hit the stubbly fabric and I leaned back on my palms, opening my chest to the sky. Loki followed my lead once more, a bit more clumsily this time as his nimble hands went forth to rummage the cooler for an ice water.

He ripped off the cap like it was his soul-sworn duty and chugged it down. It was as if the walk from the dunes to the water had completely annihilated him. Beads of sweat began to trickle down his wrinkled forehead and he wicked them away with the back of his hand. 

I turned to face him, unable to suppress a smirk, "I suppose beaches weren't a thing in Asgard, huh...?"

Loki shrugged as he took one last swig.

"Oceans, certainly...but none such as…" He gestured haphazardly, "...This."

I pulled my knees to my chest, "Well, what makes this particular body of water different from the ones you're ever so familiar with?"

Loki pursed his lips, thumb and forefinger meeting his chin in thought.

"Well, it's much...quieter here...Asgardian oceans are always filled with the hustle and the bustle of massive ships leaving ports to deliver goods. I haven't spotted a single ship here...unless that's what you call those puny vehicles with sails attached to them. A tad bit pathetic, might I add."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2021 ⏰

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