Chapter 6

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Lauren's POV

As I woke up I opened and closed my eyes a few times adjusting them to the light that was shining through my bedroom window, it was a Saturday morning, I walked downstairs and said hello to cris and Taylor and popped some bread it the toaster for my breakfast, as the toast popped back up my mum, Clara, walked downstairs and said that we were all gonna go shopping today because she wanted some food items and I wanted to buy some notepads because I like to draw in my spare time and the pad I had only had a few pages left.

I went back upstairs to get dressed because i was still in my pj's , I took my toast with me coz I hadn't finished it yet. I set the toast on the table and picked out my outfit which was: a grey beanie, a red shirt, a leather jacket, white Nike shoes and blue jeans. I didn't really do my hair on most days so I just ruffled it up a little bit.

I walked into my bathroom to go wash my face and brush my teeth, after I did all that I put on some makeup but not a lot because I don't like putting a lot on, now that I had finished getting ready I finished my toast and walked back downstairs with my plate. I met back with my brother, my sister and mother then we all walked out in single file and got in the car.

We arrived at the grocery shop and we walked down each isle popping things in the trolly if we needed them, I left my mum to continue getting the things she needed and I headed off to where the notepads were, leaning down to look at the ones at the bottom making sure they wernt lined paper. A few more minutes of looking I heard a voice I think I had heard before it was the voice of the girl in the library,which was to my new discovery her name was Camila.


I turned around at the sound of my name"oh hey Camila"

"Hey, what are you doing here"

"Just getting notepads you"

" oh well I'm here with my mum, and saw the books were down this isle so I came to have a look and we'll I saw you" camila said with a smile that Lauren found calming.

"Well it was nice seeing you camila but I have to get back to my mum, she is probably wondering where I am" Lauren didn't have to get back just yet, the reason she wanted to go was because she felt a sinking feeling in her stomach, a good feeling like butterflies,she had to go because she couldn't believe that she had feelings for camila
Wait I have feelings for camila? Lauren thought to herself. I can't have feelings I just met her and that was over text.

Camilas POV

I wasn't going to admit that I had butterflies whenever I saw or spoke to Lauren but I don't l ever will.

I caught back up with my mum and I told her that I had feelings for someone I didn't say who but she said "I'm sure whoever it is, is a lovely person"

"Thanks mum but it's a girl"

"That's amazing sweetheart and I'm proud of you I also will support you"

" your the best mum"

Dinahs POV

This morning I woke up 11:00 only a hour later than I usually do well it was a Saturday and I had nowhere to be so I slept and extra hour

I went downstairs and said hello to my mum and dad ( I don't know if Dinah has any siblings or how many so I'm not including them in this-Chloe) I then walked over to the fridge and got out some strawberries and started to eat them for my breakfast.

When I finished my breakfast I went and got changed into some clothes
.white T-shirt
.dark blue jeans
.black Nike jacket
.Adidas shoes white

I remembered I had nothing planned for the day coz it was Saturday so I messaged mani

Dinah😌❤️- hey I was thinking if ya wanna hang out coz I have nothing better to do with my day.

Mani🔥💗-sure why not meet at the coffee shop down the road from you.

Dinah😌❤️-sure sounds great I'll see you then

An-sorry I haven't uploaded in months I'll try and upload every few days sorry -Chloe

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