Chapter 6 - Slime Is A Magical Beast?

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I heard Pino's Voice and turned around at the direction where her Cute voice is coming from.

"Pino! can you show me the place? I'll carry it"
I bought foods and snacks worth of more than a week to shut in my house after all... No wonder she's struggling.

I think my body is starting to understand this sensation of not being able to see. I could pin point her direction but i don't understand the distance... And what more interesting is how the hell am i even doing all this.

While i was lost in thought...
Pino pulled my hair.

"come on! This way...And What are those heavy things? "

"Ah... Those are something i bought from my world before i got summoned here. I guess i don't need to worry much about foods for a few days "

Oh i remembered i also bought some drinks.

"So, you can eat these weird things?"

I heard some plastic noise

How the hell do you even eat this weird thing?
I can't even chew it!"

Just as i thought! She's probably trying to eat the plastic bag of the snack.
I guess... These kind of food isn't common in this world.

"No,you can't eat it like that. Give it to me..."

Even though I can't see. I only bought something that i usually eat... So i know what snack I'm holding in my hand.

It's just a small size chocolate bar. I guess
This is perfect size for Pino...
I wonder Spirit eat chocolate.

" Here ~ it's opened. Now you can eat the snack from inside it."

"what is this black.. ? Brown thing? Is this really edible?
Humm... Smell that isn't bad."

I think she tried it after smelling it.
I don't think it's that bad. It's not exactly dark chocolate. So, it will taste sweet and a bit bitter.

"Hmmm! What is this!!! It is very sweet and tasty... A little bit bitter at the end tho.
But it's really good!"

Seems like she like it.

"I'm glad you liked it. But I need to keep these as my emergency food (jk:*Paimon replaced*).
That's why can you tell me what can i eat around here? What kind of foods can i get"

While picking up the bag i asked with my VERY serious face.

"If you wanna eat something... I think there are three things you can eat. First fishs from the river around here and 2nd there are some Nei Fruit trees around this area and lastly you can eat monsters... Currently not the right season so getting Nai fruit is very rare and with your condition ~ You can't catch fish either. So, monster is most likely gonna be your main dish. "

You gotta be kidding me!!!
But what she said was also right. With my current condition.. I won't be able to catch a single fish and isn't that same thing for the monsters as well?

" What do you mean i can eat monster? Is every monster around here edible!?"

"Yep! Mostly edible and dangerous monsters~ that's why this forest is popular.
Most of the people come to hunt down tasty monsters but they become their food instead~
AHahahaha isn't that funny?"

What is she even laughing at!? That's not funny at all!!! And more over how the hell am I going to take down those monsters for food!!! Isn't that way too dangerous?

" that's impossible! How the hell a blind person like me can hunt those monsters! "

" fufufu~ who said you are going to kill them?
Of course it's impossible for you to kill those dangerous monsters!
That's why you have to target to those who are not very dangerous ~"

" You are saying that but they are not safe either!"

After hearing what I just said... I could hear Pino's sigh and start saying with kind of serious tone

" Why? Of course... It is not safe.
You are going to eat them after all. That mean you are going to take their life.
If you are going to hurt others at least prepare yourself to get hurt."

"I... I know that bu-! "

"No but! Anyway you are going to take down some Slime around from this area~ they are not strong but also not weak. Their Body is Almost everything is made out of mana and totally immune to physical attack But magical damage can damage them."

"What!? How the hell am i suppose to defeat them if i can't hit them?"

"fufufu~ easy they are weak against magic damage"

"i can't use magic!!!"

"Yuna! Are you an idiot? You have Mana Drain skill! Didn't i tell you that Slime are made out of mana?"

"Ah....? So... Are you telling me that i can defeat slime by draining their mana?"

That is kind of different from what i know from games and manga

"Yup! Slime are one of the magical being but they are at lowest rank among magical beast"

Huh.. That's really different from games..

"Are you saying that they are magical beasts because they are made out of mana? Does that mean i can kill them all by draining their mana?"

"Not really ~ Mana draining take times. The stronger they are the more mana they have. So, mana draining only work on lower rank like smile."

Seems like.. This won't be as easy as I thought.

"Okay Yuna! Enough talking and let's god find some slimes. This will also help you with your Level"

After saying that Pino pulled my hair to follow her around.

I'm curious about how I will eat a slime

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