Chapter 7 - Yuna Vs Slime!

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After walking around in the Ruisha forest for about 20 minutes.

"Yuna!!! There is a slime!! Go defeat it!"

"Huh?! Humm? Where!?"

Is she stupid?

"Do you think that i could see its location?!
Didn't you see that i have been bumping into a lot of branches and things because i can't see or sense them?"

"Ahahaha! Right! I forgot hahaha~"

"wait! Did you do that on purpose!?"

"Hehee~ I don't know ~
Anyway come over here! Slime is on the ground. Just right below me"

I can hear her voice move. For some reason i can locate her location very quickly just by hearing her voice.

"is it here..?"
I follow and went beside her voice..
What is this.. I can feel something is moving on the ground.
This is kinda weird to be able to sense a slime.
I couldn't properly sense it because it's not moving that much?

"is this slime?"

I think it noticed my approach..
It started moving and it is not slow at all.
After noticing that slime is running away from me... I immediately reach out my hand to catch it.

Its shape is kinda of round... Kinda feel like I'm touching a really soft jelly. This slime is not easy to catch at all... It just slipped through my hands..

How am I going to catch it?
"Hay Pino help me!"
"Nah~ do it yourself. You need experience"

This won't do... I have to think..
"Wait! Where did it go!?"

"on your right ~"

Ah! Don't you dare! RUN AWAY FROM ME!
I know i can't see.. But i jumped on to it direction and put it inside my T-shirt.
Oh no! It's moving and climbing up my body!
I need to do something!!
Mana drain!!

Wait how do i use it again!?

Ahh! This doesn't feel right.. It's not unpleasant but.. This just doesn't feel right!!

I put my hand inside my shirt and touch the slime to use Mana drain.
I could feel it mana. So, i just did the same thing that i did with Pino.
It's flowing inside me.
I can feel slime is reacting to this..
After about 20 seconds
Slime stopped moving.

【You have obtained Experience 】
【You have become Level 3】
【Skill - Paralysis Resistance Lv-1 Obtained 】
【Skill - Acid resistance Lv-1 Obtained 】
【Skill - Poison resistance Lv-1 Obtained 】

Wait what is happening!?
Acid? Paralysis?

Now that i think about it.. All the places that touched by slime are hurting me a bit..
It's not very bad. I can't see but I'm sure my skin are bright red now due to slime acid and poison.
Also this weird sensation is probably due to Paralysis.
I think i can still recover myself from this much.

And what more is!

"Hay Pino! Why didn't u tell slime have poison and other stuffs that can harm me? And what more is how the hell am i supposed to eat this poisonous thing?"

"It's fine~ You won't die from that... Unless~"

"unless what!?"

"Well~ if u have been touching it for too long it will definitely gonna digest your hands.. fufufu~
And don't worry about eating it. Those are all slime's active skills and they will all be shut off when it died. So, you can eat it~"

You should have told me about digesting thing!!
At least she is helping.

And Active skills.. Humm
" I just got some resistance skills after defeating it. Are those active skills? "

" Yes and active skills doesn't cost any mana. They can be active all the time which is very useful."

Seems like my Language skills is also active skill which doesn't cost any mana.
That mean active skills are not only resistance skills.

" And Now you should try eating that slime~ "

Slime? I have to eat it raw?

Oh.. I just noticed something. This slime body become  a bit harden and not slimy anymore but it is sticky .

I feel like I'm holding a big size mochi (Japanese Street food/snack ) .

"are you sure.. That i can eat this?"

"what!? You don't trust me?"

Huh!? We just met a moment ago..
I can't say that.. Huh she already helped me a lot.

"okay.. Let me try it a little bit"

After saying that.. I bite down the slime as if my life was depend on it...

"!!!!  .. wh-What is this? Doesn't taste anything at all. As if I'm eating a mochi that tastes like water..."

"yup! it's effect of mana drain..but it isn't that unpleasant to eat slime. They also have a lot of nutrition in it. Even though it doesn't taste anything much"

Humm..​It is a great thing that i can eat slime but this taste is really boring...


-Skill Scenes  Lv4 increase to Lv5-

-Skill Mana Drain Lv1 increase to Lv2-

My skills level increased!?

- Specie - Human

- Name - Yuna Takashi

- Level - 3 / 10
-HP - 150/132
-MP - 120/340 (+220)
- Status - normal

- Title - 【Fault Summon】
【New Body】【Blind】
【A Person From Another World】

- Special skill - 【Language Lv -MAX】【Demon Eyes Lv-0】

- Skill - 【Appraisal Lv- 3】
【Scenes Lv - 5】【Mana drain Lv-2】

- Resistance - 【Dark resistance Lv1】
【Paralysis Resistance Lv-1 】
【Acid resistance Lv-1 】
【Poison resistance Lv-1 】


What the hell is wrong with my MP!?
Am I gonna explode for absorbing too much mana?!

"What's wrong? Your face look pale..
You don't like eating slime that much?

"No... It's just that my MP is over 300 even though my MP cup is 120"

"MP cup??..​Ah.. You mean your mana become a lot more than it should be?
I think it is fine... It is all because you are only using the skill that doesn't require mana~ moreover that skill is Mana Drain that use to steal enemy's mana~"

Ah.. I have a bad feeling about this..


I don't know what time is this now
But I feel like it is already at night..

After defeating the Slime we went to the river side to try drinking the water.

It's true that I have water bottle in my bag but i still don't want to use it and I also wanted to try whether I can drink it or not.

It seems like I can live with this water... I don't know it is clean enough or not but Pino said it is good enough to drink.. So, I think it will be fine.

"Hay~ It is already dark enough...
Let's go to somewhere safer.. River side isn't very safe there are some strong monsters roaming around at night~"

"O-Okay.... Lead the way Pino.
I am counting on you"

I just quietly followed Pino..
Weirdly enough I didn't bump into trees and brunches on the way..

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