It's giving... drama

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Time moves quickly. Months go by. Jeongguk pours all his time into his studies and his job. Seokjin praises his photos, but keeps asking Jeongguk to produce another "cover story photo", like the one Jeongguk accidentally took. 

Speaking of that hero-activity, Jeongguk had really come to enjoy it. It would be a lie if Jeongguk said he sometimes didn't take a long route home just to pass by some places where muggings or robberies were a little more common. He kept his hood up, but he'd started wearing his medical mask to give him some more protection. On this particular night, Jeongguk had finished taking photos of the city and was walking back to the apartment. The street was dark and wet from an early evening rainstorm. Jeongguk loved the silence of the night. But there was no time to enjoy it, as a sudden crash from a few streets over sounded. Jeongguk pulled up his mask and went to investigate. Hidden behind an alley, Jeongguk spotted someone fiddling with a parked car. He watched, not moving a muscle, as the hidden figure attempts to jimmy the lock. Jeongguk emerged carefully, so as not to alert the potential car thief. It's only when the person opens the door to the car, and reaches for the expensive looking GPS inside, that Jeongguk springs into action. He pins the person's hands to the car and pries the GPS out of their grip, tossing it back into the car. The man sent a knee into Jeongguk's gut, making him double over in pain. The man took this as an opportunity to push Jeongguk away and make a run for it. Jeongguk recovered and followed him, closing in much faster than the man could prepare for. Jeongguk swept at his feet, knocking the man to the ground. "What's your problem dude?" the man gasped from the concrete.

"You shouldn't go around taking things that aren't yours," Jeongguk silently cringes at his words. 

"Yeah? What will you do about it?" 

"Dude, it doesn't have to be that serious. Just get out of here." Jeongguk shoves him away. Instead of actually leaving, like Jeongguk hoped he would, the man lunged forward. His hands reached out towards Jeongguk's face, snagging on the straps of his medical mask. Jeongguk could barely react before the mask snapped, and his face was in plain sight.

"What? You're just a kid. What's some kid doing wandering around getting into fights? Get out of here dude." Jeongguk takes this moment of surprise to push the man to the floor again. 

"Don't let me catch you causing trouble again." Jeongguk hisses, and then takes off back to the apartment. 

A mask. That's what Jeongguk needed. Something to keep his identity totally hidden, better than a hood and a face mask. He hid designs underneath his paperwork at the office. That morning, the office was quiet and calm. Jeongguk thought about taking his lunch break outside, maybe walking and getting an iced coffee. His thoughts were interrupted by shouting near the entrance. Someone had barged in and was demanding to speak to a reporter.

"You want a story so bad? Well I've got one. Let me in!" Oh shit. Jeongguk could recognize that voice anywhere. Especially after last night. Jeongguk slowly turned around and saw the man from last night. He looked older in the sunlight, and Jeongguk began to wonder what had made him turn to criminal activity after dark. He jumped as the man turned and looked right at him. 



"Yes, you. Go get me your boss." Jeongguk nodded and got up. With every step he took towards Seokjin's office, he cursed the spider bite, the powers, and the stupid vigilante things he tried to do. Why didn't he just stay in and watch a show with Jimin? He knocked on Seokjin's heavy door, and wiped his sweaty palms on his jeans. 

"Who is it?" Seokjin called out. Jeongguk didn't have time to play guessing games, not when his identity was about to be released to the whole office, the whole city, maybe even the whole country. He opened the door without the invitation.

"I'm sorry sir. There's someone who's demanding to speak with you. I'm really, really sorry sir." Jeongguk bowed and stepped back out to the office. To his horror, the man was standing right outside the door. He gripped Jeongguk's  arm and leaned in, preparing to whisper something. Oh god, what was he about to say? Was he really about to brag about Jeongguk's demise? Jeongguk tried to squirm out of his grip but it was no use. He could only clench his jaw and listen as the man said-

"Thanks for getting your boss for me."


"Oh, of course sir." Jeongguk hesitated for a second, and then ran outside the building.

What just happened. Was he not recognized? Was he safe? If he was, he would only get this lucky once. The mask idea seemed better than ever. On his lunch break, Jeongguk stopped at a costume shop nearby. He smiled at the owner as he bought a ski mask, hoping he too would forget his face. Jeongguk hurried home, trying to silence worries that Jimin would know what was going on recently. 

Jeongguk turned his thoughts towards Jimin. It had almost been almost seven months since Yoongi's passing. Jimin cried a few times a week still, but put a brave face on for Jeongguk. Jeongguk would never tell him he could hear him sob through the walls. They had developed a new routine, someone new to make the coffee in the morning, someone new to watch shows with, someone new to help Jeongguk with his homework, no one new to come home to. Empty side of the bed, quiet office, a closet full of unworn clothes. Jeongguk and Taehyung hadn't brought up the possibility of packing up Yoongi's clothes. Jimin would do that when he was ready, if he ever was. Until then, he could continue to hide away in the closet and pretend Yoongi was right beside him. 

Taehyung helped. More than he probably realized. Jeongguk found himself thinking of him often, always thankful to have him by his side. School was easier, work was easier, even his home life was easier with Taehyung. Of all the things that have happened to him since coming to Seoul, taehyung was the person who made everything brighter. Jeongguk was still smiling thinking about Taehyung wearing his grey hoodie when he entered the apartment. "Hi Jimin!" He called into the living room. Jimin looked up from the couch.

"Hi Ggukie, how was work?" 

"It was okay, some guy came in and was super mad about something. I think my boss handled it."

"That's good honey, have you eaten? I made some soup." Jeongguk peeks at the pot on the stove. It's Yoongi's favourite.

"Thanks hyung. I think I'll wait to eat until Tae gets here."

"Oh I didn't know he was coming! How has that been? It's been almost six months right?" Jeongguk blushed.

"Yeah it has, I can hardly believe it. It feels like it's been a week and forever at the same time."

"I'm so happy that you're happy Gguk. You deserve it." 

"Thanks Min."

Taehyung rings the buzzer forty-five minutes later. Jeongguk greets him with a kiss at the door and they both head to his bedroom. 

"Happy six months Ggukie!" Taehyung grins. Jeongguk smiles back and nuzzles his face in Taehyung's shoulder. 

"Happy six months baby." Taehyung blushes at the pet name.

"I got you something." Jeongguk shoots his head up to meet Taehyung's gaze.

"You did? You shouldn't have." Jeongguk watches as Taehyung pulls a small box out of his pocket. He opens it to reveal a small necklace with a flower pendant. Jeongguk drops his jaw in amazement. "Taehyung this is so beautiful!" 

"Look," Taehyung pulls a similar necklace out from where it was hidden under his shirt. Jeongguk looks closely and realizes they match.

"Tae I love them! Thank you my love." He puts his new necklace on and kisses Taehyung.

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