Chapter Nine

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Lyra POV

My eyes shot open and my heartbeat doubled in speed. Tears slid down my cheeks--bringing my thickly applied eyeliner with them-- as I desperately tried to get out of Petter's tight embrace. Once free I jumped off the couch and ran out the door, grabbing Petter's phone of the counter before I left. Panic taking over as I quickly quickly tried to find a name I knew in Petter's contact list. I found one and clicked the call button. I was desperate.

"Hey man what's up?" "Actually Jolle it's Lyra. I know you don't like me because of what happened to Petter but I need your help... I'm so scared Petter's--" I was just about to explain to him what had happened a few minutes ago that had left me so terrified when he cut me off mid-sentence. "--Screaming right?" Jolle said, frustration bringing his voice down an octave and giving his normally invited voice a menacinig tone. "Yes" I managed to squeak out, his frustration scaring me and making the crying worse.  I felt the hot tears begin to fall at a quicker speed and heard my voice tremble as tried to hold back the sobs when I responded, "W-Why is he screaming, Jolle?" Silence. Then a clearly emotion-filled sigh echoed over the line, "Because he's trying to get your attention to keep you from commiting suicide." I felt my brows furrow in confusion as I tried to make sense of what he was saying. "Why's he trying to keep me from commiting suicide. I have no reason to want to kill myself..." Another sigh. "Remember that recurring dream I told you about? He's having it again. I think I breifly explained what the dream was about but its not as scary until you've heard every single detail. The dream is made of two parts: the first part being a memory of the last day he saw you when he chased after you all the way to that little playground in New York and the second part being a made up scenario with you on-top of a building. In both parts of the nightmare he is a spirit that you cannot see or hear. The nightmare is based upon his fear that you don't feel important or loved enough for life to have any meaning; in both parts of the dream he is desperately trying to get your attention so that he can tell you how much you matter-- the second part of the dream he tries to get your attention even more urgently because in the second part you are ready to jump to your death. But the dream ends the same way everytime-- with you commiting suicide no matter how hard he tries to keep it from happening." I felt my heart ache and began to understand just why Jolle wasn't thrilled with my involvement in Petter's life. He'd watch his best friend break a little more everyday because of the short amount of time he spent with me in the first place. If Hannah were to ever start dating again and someone hurt her like I had hurt Petter then I would have hated them with every ounce of my being. And yet here was Jolle spending the time to calm me down and explain the situation to me. He was much kinder than the average person would be towards the girl who caused his best friend to be a paranoid mess for the past six months. "I'm so sorry Jolle. I wouldn't have talked to him in the first place if I knew it would cause him so much pain." I whispered heartbrokenly over the phone. "I know Lyra. That's why I've forgiven you. Now listen to me carefully and do as I say: stay where you are and don't try to wake him up. I'll be over shortly." As I waited I couldn't help but be in awe of Jolle as his words echoed threw my head,

"I know Lyra. That's why I've forgiven you."

It was official. He was a better person than I could ever dream of becoming.

Jolle POV

It was hard to still feel bitter towards Lyra when it was so obvious how much of a wonderful, caring girl she was. I wasn't quite ready to trust her 100% but there was no denying she cared about Petter. She had seemed genuinely scared for Petter when she called; from the way she couldn't stop crying it was pretty obvious that she would have given anything to go back and keep him from ever reaching the low that he couldn't seem to get out of at the moment. I got in my car and drove down to Petter's apartment. Lyra was definitely scared and, even though she was a great girl, she had problems coping with anxiety and often ran from the situation instead of facing it head on.

I pulled into a parking space, turned off the car and locked it up before sprinting up the stairs that led to his apartment. Right outside his door was Lyra, a frightened mess who couldn't seem to comprehend what was going on at the moment. I barged into his apartment, grimacing as I walked into the room and heard his blood curtling wail. "What are you going to do?" I turned on my heels and stared Lyra in the eyes. "Please, stay out there like I told you to. When his nightmare goes on for this long I usually have to use an interesting technique to get him to snap out of it and its better if your not in the room just in case he gets really pissed off." I watched her every step of the way, making sure that she closed the door all the way shut behind herself. I walked over to the wall, yanked open a thin door, and somehow managed to find a large bin in his disaster of a closet. I held it in a white-knuckled grip as I walked to the sink to fill it up. As I approached his screaming, not-so-peaceful sleeping form  thought to myself "Hopefully he doesn't try to kill me when he wakes up" before I dumped a bin's worth of cold water on him.

Petter POV

"WHAT THE F*** WAS THAT FOR YOU ASSHOLE?!" I screamed now standing up and dripping wet. He was of course laughing his f***ing ass off. "I was doing your girlfriend a favor. She said you smelled like shit so I decided to help her out and give you a bath." and with that he was once again doubling over with laughter. "Yeah you're so f***ing funny. Now why the f*** did you walk into my apartment and pour cold ass water on me while I slept?!" I said yelling over my shoulder as I walked into the bathroom and found a semi-clean towel. "I should really do some laundry and clean up my apartment" I said while I dried myself as well as I could without having to change my clothes, shooting Jolle a dead serious look at the same time and we both bursted out laughing. "Okay now seriously why the f*** did pouring water on me seem like a good idea?" Jolle cleared his throat and averted his gaze to his feet as he kicked at a pile of towels laying on the floor. "You were having a nightmare, don't you remember?" He had brought his gaze up to me and stared at me with dead concern as he said the word "remember". I closed my eyes as I leaned against the wall, a groan escaping my throat. "Damn I guess it was the jolt of the water because I actually forgot that I was having a nightmare before all that happened. I remember it now but-- Where's Lyra? She was with me on the couch last night!" My eyes widened as I remembered that Lyra had been with me when I fell asleep and putting together the pieces I came to the realization that she had probably fled when I started screaming, "I scared her off. She's gone. She probably couldn't handle it. F***! I DID THIS TO HER! HOW THE F*** ARE WE SUPPOSED TO WORK SHIT OUT WHEN I KEEP MAKING THINGS WORSE?!" I threw the towel down to the floor angerly and headed for the door. I felt Jolle grab my wrist and I turned to him angerly. "Don't try to f***ing stop me, Jolle! I'm going after her and I don't care whether or not you approve of it!" I growled as I ripped my wrist out of his grip. "She's not gone! Dude, just calm down. She's sitting right outside that door because I didn't know how you would react when I threw cold water on you." I leaned back against the wall and ran a hand through my hair. I was so afraid of losing her that I was actually taking it out on my best friend. "Damn, I'm sorry man. I...I just can't lose her.  She means so much to me; I'll literally go f***ing insane without her. She's different in all the right ways but with just enough crazy that I can relate to her. Man, she's f***ing amazing. I mean she stayed here even after being right next to me when I started screaming." Jolle chuckled and he patted me on the shoulder on his way to the door. With his hand resting on the doorknob he turned to face me and say before leaving, "So she was right next to you? Like in your arms?And yet she hasn't ran away screaming herself?... Man, you're right she is amazing.. either that or crazy.. or maybe its both."

Lyra POV

"So you certain I'm not too crazy for you?" Petter asked as we walked down the street to my apartment. "I'm certain" I said as I flashed him a smile. "You're screaming wasn't too much for me to handle; I was just worried about you. Believe me, I've done worse myself. You haven't seen truly psychotic until you've seen me in a full-blown panic attack." He chuckled as he pulled me in close and kissed my lips softly. "Well then, you and I are just made for each other aren't we?" He whispered.  I giggled quietly to myself, "We can be as long as you can handle me and my craziness." He grinned wildly and kissed me a few more times before asking with a crazy look in his eyes, "Is that a challenge?" With a small smile playing on my lips I leaned on my tippy toes so that I had an easier time looking him in the eyes, "If you want to make it one then it can be." He tossed his head back and laughed softly. He brought his head forward again as he locked eyes with me, "Well then, 'Game on'."

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