Chapter Thirty Two

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Lyra POV

“Will you stop asking me if I’m alright already?! I’m fine. I have been for a couple of months now.” Hannah said with a smirk on her lips as she sat down next to me on the couch in her apartment. I rolled my eyes at her in response to her statement, a small smile playing on my own lips as I looked over at her. “You’re in remission Hannah; you aren’t quite cancer-free yet.” I said with a chuckle as I thought about the woman next to me and how incredibly lucky I was to have her in my life.

Ever since I had entered her life as a scared, lonely sixteen year old girl she had been like a mother to me and I just couldn’t imagine living in a world where she was dead. A world without that strong, beautiful strawberry blonde was just simply one I could not fathom. Luckily the doctors had made it so I would never have to. They had caught the cancer early on and performed a double mastectomy on her about three months back. It was a surgery that had surely saved her life because ever since it had been performed, she has been in remission with no signs of the cancer returning.  Thank god for that.

“Plus,” Hannah began as she shifted in her seat so that she could look at me more directly, unknowingly shaking me from my thoughts, “If any one of us is to be causing the other to be worried, it should be you.” And just like that Hannah had managed to once again change the subject so that I was the focus of the conversation. I let out a groan as I stood up and walked towards the kitchen, once again trying to run away from my problems. Though that proved to be very difficult as I was staying in her apartment so there was only so much distance I could put between the two of us.

“I’m fine...” I muttered angrily as I leaned against the kitchen counter, eyes shut tight as I tried to think of anything but the thoughts she had put in my head. As I stood there trying to separate myself from my mind and the thoughts that plagued it, I heard the click of Hannah’s heels against the tile flooring of the kitchen; she obviously wasn’t going to leave me alone. “You are not fine.” She declared, the matter-of-fact tone to her voice frustrating me so much that I immediately opened my eyes and spun around so I could shoot her a cautionary glance, silently warning her not to bring up my current situation.

But of course Hannah ignored the look I was giving her and continued with her thought. Typical mother behavior. “Have you told him yet? …Are you ever going to tell him?” She asked and I just shrugged before turning around and leaving the room, something that obviously was futile and yet I kept doing it. Why? Why do I keep running off on her when I know it isn’t going to do any good? The answer is probably youthful arrogance, something that all young adults are all too common with.

 In our youth we are always convinced that we know everything, can do anything, and that we are invincible. These three things will all be proved wrong later on in life but try telling that to someone in their mid-twenties, I can guarantee you that they’ll either scoff at you like the idiot they are convinced you are, claiming that either you don’t know what you’re talking about, or simply ignore your words of wisdom.

I of course am no different from anyone else my age, regardless of how often I may claim to be just that. And so, I much too often let my arrogance and ignorance drive my actions and in that moment with Hannah that was definitely the case as I walked away from her after deciding that I, a twenty five year old—nothing more than a babe, knew better than she.

But, like I said before, running away from her is futile and this was once again proven as I heard her following right behind me, sighing loudly as she did so. I myself couldn’t help but roll my eyes at her as her persistence was growing tiresome. Why was she spending so much time on this anyways? She wasn’t the one four months pregnant with her boyfriend’s baby, the boyfriend that she had up and left without any further explanation. I was. This was my problem not hers.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2013 ⏰

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