7. Plotting

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Alex was crouching on his bed fiddling with his and Max's phones. As they didn't have reception everywhere in the Academy, Alex searched for a way to send messages via Bluetooth between their phones, just in case they needed to communicate silently over a short distance. Max did not see the advantage so far, after all, if they stood near each other, they could simply talk, but Alex insisted, convinced that this would prove useful one day.

The idea came to him, when they had sat in history class. Ragnor Fell had been lecturing them about spoils, which a long time ago Shadowhunters took from Downworlders as a kind of punishment. Alex had been bored, which had been not their teacher's fault. Fell was clearly enthusiastic (though perhaps a bit biased) about the subject and, as a contemporary witness, probably the best choice to teach history. But Alex has never understood, why learning about what was said and done should be as important as learning about current topics. At least since this year 'mundane culture' was part of the Academy's schedule. The Dean had decided that the future Shadowhunters should learn more about the people they vowed to protect. Additionally, it was only fair as on the other hand the Ascendees had to learn everything about Shadowhunter culture within two years.

Alex looked up as Max grunted. He was sitting at his desk occupied with writing whatever. After dinner they had returned to their room. To Alex's surprise Cara had accompanied them. She didn't look the least like she did it because she was enjoying their company. But then her face was not an open book, if you could state it like that.

However, before Alex could ask Cara in she had left without a word and Alex had felt utter relief. The problem was that Alex was intimidated by Cara and after the embarrassing incident during dinner, Max seemed too lost in thoughts to start a conversation to relief the tension. With Cara leaving also the uncomfortable silence that had stuck between them like old chewing gum had vanished.

Max had immediately taken pen and paper and had started to write leaving Alex to putter with their phones. Now Alex put Max's phone next to him on the desk and asked: "What are you writing?"

Max looked up: "A letter to my fathers. To be honest, my Dad didn't quite consent me coming here and I kind of sneaked out behind his back."

"Why wouldn't he want you to come here, if it was your wish?" Alex inquired and could have bitten his tongue the moment the words left his mouth.

Max smiled a bitter smile, which, Alex could already tell that, was unusual for him. But he answered: "You witnessed what happened today with Scarsbury. My Dads had always tried to shield me from such people. People who look down on me, because of my blood. When I conjured up dinner and my unicorn-onesie appeared... even with that they tried to protect me in their own way. Rafe also had warned me but I wouldn't listen, because I had never before made the experience of being... discriminated. Being looked down on or even despised for what I am. I couldn't even imagine this could happen. Now that I made the experience, I'm not sure if I should thank my Dads for a carefree childhood or blame them for letting me live in a bubble. Isn't that weird?"

"No," Alex replied. "I think all teenagers are caught in that conflict."

During the short period of their acquaintance Alex had gotten fond of his roommate. At first he had been slightly annoyed, as he had speculated on having a room for himself. But living with Max turned out to be easy going. He always was good-humored and eager to get to know his counterpart better. Plus, he had used his magic to make their accommodation much more comfortable.

Now Max looked down at his paper and seemed to be lost in thoughts for a moment. After Alex had returned to his bed and grabbed one of the comic-books, Max suddenly exclaimed: "Do you know whose fault this is? Nik's. If he hadn't squealed on me, the whole ugly scene wouldn't have taken place at all and I wouldn't struggle over this unnerving letter."

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