Chapter 2

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Kristine P.o.v

"Ladies and Gentlemen and Will we have landed," Grandpa told us.

We all climbed out. I look to see we were at least 3 miles or so from the ranch.

I look to see my Uncle Ray and Cousin Jackson holding some horses. I let go of Coles hand and ran to them.

"I missed you guys," I told them.

"We missed you too," They both said.

I hear horse neighs. I look to see it was my beautiful two horses my chestnut horse Cinnamon and her sister my white horse Sugar.

"Hi girls," I said as I approached them. I stroke them both on their nose.

"What are the horses for," Cole asked?

"Were gonna ride to the farm," Uncle Ray said.

With that we all got are pick.

"Who wants me to ride on them," I asked my horses.

Cinnamon neighed first. I smiled and got on her. Than Sugar went to Tori.

Tori smiled and climbed on.
I look to see my Uncle forgot a horse for Cole.

I look to also see Will was united with his horse a dark brown horse who he named Chocolate. Yes he named it chocolate.

"Cole you want to ride with me," I asked?

He nodded. With that we rode off to the farm. It was nice to see the ranch.

Cole and I were a little behind everyone. But thats okay.

"Hey you want to go a different way," I asker him.

Cole nodded.

With that I rode us to the lake. Which is my favorite spot on the farm.

I pulled on the reign which made Cinamon stop. Allowing me and Cole to capture the moment.

We walked down and hopped off Cinnamon. I walked up to capture the view.

"Cole theres something me or Will nor Tori have told any of you yet," I told him.

I felt Cole grab and pull me by the waist. I looked at him to see him smiling.

"You know its almost are 3 years," Cole points out.

I nodded. "We need to celebrate are two years as well since I forgot and missed it."

Cole sighed. "I hate Andy. I seriously hate he did this to us."

"I know. Same here," I turned to face him. "but we can catch up on the times we missed."

He nodded.

I looked into his beautiful brown eyes. I good see love like I always do.

"I love you and only you no matter what," I told him.

"I love you more," Cole replied as he crashed his lips on mine.

I kisser him back. It felt right like it always did. I felt Cole ask for entrance. Which I gave.

We slowly laid on the grass. Without breaking are kiss.

I felt Coles fingers start to stroke my sides. Than I felt him tickle me.

"Ahh, Cole stop," I laughed breaking are kiss.

"What you mean this," Cole continued.

I soon pushed him. And started to run. As I see Cole chasing me.

I see he had tripped over his own feet. I turn to look. And I couldnt help but laugh.

"Wow, you could help me up you know," Cole implied.

"True, or, I can," I said as I laid on top of him. Crashing my lips this time.

"This is better," Cole added.

I laughed.

2 hours later.

We finally left and finallt got to the farm. Where I see my Family and the guys just tAlking.

"There you two are," My Uncle Ray pointed out.

"Hi grandma," I said as I hopped off Cinnamon and gave her a big hug.

"Hi dear, you hungry," my Grandma asked?

"Yes," Will and I both answer.

"Common lets eat," Grandma laughed.

We all walked in for lunch.

I walk in to see Daphne. I walk to her and gave her a big hug.

"How you feeling," I asked?

"Not like im feeling better, but im good its nice to be back on the farm," Daphne told me. "Did you tell anyone other than Tori? "

"No, why," I asked?

"Can you help me tell them later during lunch," Daphne asked?

I nodded. "Anything for you."

With that we hooked arms and walked in. I sat next to Will and Daphne. And Cole was across from me.

"Id like to make an announcement," Grandpa said.
"Id like to thank my grand babies for coming home this summer that includes you too Tori. Im also glad to meet ths your friends of course. And I hope you all have a great time here in are home."

"Cheers," Everyone yelled.

I looked at Daphne. She nodded.

"Umm theres actually something i should tell you guys," Daphne spoke. "I hope this doesnt change the way you see me but..."

Daphne looked at my grandparents. Who nodded for her to speak.

"I have cancer."

"What," i heard them all say.

"For how long," Dalton asked looks like he was about to cry.

I cant blame him. She already to me and im still about to cry.

"They said its an impossible cure, for theres already so much, so i only have till the summer," Daphne told them.

I got up i couldnt take it. And ran to the farm. Grabbed Sugar and rode off to a place no one knows but me and my brother.

Daphnes P.O.V

I heard Kristine get up and ran. It hurt me knowing shes hurting.

I hate having cancer. I dont want to leave my life. I love my life.

But, I bet that what Justin said before he died.

"Did Kristine not know," Gabe asked?

I shook my head. "No her, Tori, Will, and the rest of my family know. I just told them. Not to say anything for I wanted to be the one to tell you guys."

"Thats why she started tearing up on the bus," Cole implied.

Will nodded. "This effects her more than you know."

I heard Sugar neigh. I look Kristine riding on Sugar off somewhere. I dont know where but she needs time to herself. Which I understand.

"Joe will she..." Grandma started speaking.

"Dont worry my dear, are Grand babies are strong, they just need time to themselves," Grandpa told her. "But if it gets dark and shes not back. Will and Jackson you both better ride out and find her."

They both nodded.

I wonder whats running through her mind. I hate knowing shes gonna have to say goodbye to another love one.

It sucks...

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