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Published: 24th of June 2021

Words: 1735

Warning: Mentions of death. Slight mention of Newt's death. Mention of cancer. Mention of teenage pregnancy. Very angsty and sad, I actually cried and I never cry at my own stories.


Watching anyone die in front of you is painful. Watching your boyfriend of two and a half years suffer until his very last breath nearly kills you, though. You watched as Newt's body fell slowly, being held slightly by Thomas, a knife impaled into his chest. His eyes devoid of any emotions and his body limp.

Thomas hovered over him for a few seconds before he looked up at the sound of approaching footsteps. Minho and Brenda were back. As Thomas started to turn and walk away, a loud sob escaped your throat and you ran towards the limp body splayed on the floor.

You cupped his cheeks, shaking slightly from the held back sobs, begging for him to give you a sign that he was alive.

"Newt," You whimpered, placing your forehead against his as you closed your eyes, "Come on, honey. Please."

The rest was a blur. Minho heaved you into his arms and carried you to the Berg. The WICKED building started burning to the ground. Thomas was back. Teresa fell with the crumbling building.

You don't remember how you got here, a small, off white tent, the smell of salty water meeting your nose, along with a soft breeze causing the fabric to flutter in the wind. You looked to your side, expecting to see Newt. Instead, you saw Minho sat on a chair beside your bed, head laid across his arms which were crossed on your bed.

"Minho," You nudged him slightly, voice breaking, "Where are we?"

"Paradise," He answered, looking up with sad eyes, "How ya feeling?"

"Everything is kinda blurry," You mumbled, "Where's Newt?"

Minho looked away and you noticed a tear streak down his cheek.

"It wasn't a nightmare," You whimpered, tears already flowing slightly.

"I'm sorry," Minho whined, "I'm so sorry. If I had run faster. If I had just-"

"It's not your fault," You interrupted him, "I'm just glad I'm not alone. Who else made it from the Glade?"

"It's you, me, Thomas, Gally and Fry," He looked back to you, eyes clouded with tears.

"Where's-" You sat up.

"He's in another tent," Minho pushed you back down, "They're keeping an eye on him. He's healing okay. You shouldn't get up too quickly, you passed out a few days ago and didn't wake until now."

"Sorry for worrying you, Min," You smiled sadly.

"I'm supposed to worry for the girl who's been like my sister for years," He sassed.

"I'm going to go back to sleep," You mumbled "Check on Tommy. Go see Gally and Fry."

He nodded, tussled your hair and left with a quiet 'I'll be back'.

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