Its raining men Chapter 16

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"Oh my god, I just took a large dump! And it looks like Elvis!" He yelled and picked up the crap and made a face. "Ahuhuhuh, I'm Elvis katcha!" That's what Gil said. Johnny stared at the shit in his hands then smacked it out of his hands with a derped face.

"Hell naw! Get dat piece of crap outta ma face baby girl!" I yelled back and took a bite out of his hand. "But Johnny! You just murdered Elvis, you murderer!!!" He flailed his arms in the air. "THROW YO ARMS IN DA AIR JOHNY!!!"

I smacked his face. "Shut up! I get to horny over you!" I walked away to go see Dukey. Dukey was eating butter, why butter? Could it be his bitches..?! Dukey slowly turned his head towards me with a buttery smile. "Johnny..." He croaked.

I stared at Dukey till throwing a rubber duck at him. "Dukey! Snap out of it! You got over your butter dream! Just like your dam wet dreams!" Dukey began to laugh and roll on the floor. "AHAHAAAHAHAHAA!!! Unlike you still having your wet dreams, I know you do, I watch you when you sleep." He wiggled his eyebrows till suddenly Gil came from the ceiling and ripped his eyebrows off along with his face skin.

Dukey screamed and covered his face with his paws and kept on screaming in agony, "well I'm going to bed now, goodnight Johnny." Dukey said and stood up normally then walked upstairs. I looked to where Dukey was but Gil wasn't there anymore.

"I need to stop taking this shit." I mutter under my breath and so then I walked away into the living room and took a seat. I hear bangs on the roof and plops outside, I bet it's them black dude and white dude in sunglasses sort of like the men in black.

I look out the window but all I am greeted with is a bloody slaughter house! There's blood, bodies, shit, and even more shit! It's raining fucking men and woman! Oh never mind just naked men.

"HALLELUJAH ITS RAINING MEN! AMEEN!" I hear the woman scream till fucking the men that fell from the sky outside. "Dukey! I'm coming with you, I need to sleep too..." And so I went upstairs to sleep and forget this day ever happened.

GilTes Gil Nexdor X Johnny TestDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora