The late Christmas Special

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It was back then in the time when Dragons and Unicorns use to rule the lands with Mermaids and Griffins, fairies, trolls, goblins, and living statues, also pixies! And Pegasus, and minotaurs, and princesses, and kings and queens, also those elves, and reindeer, and megaladon, and the Kraken. There was so much to name, but these were the only ones whom were important.

It was the late 1569 when these two kings, Gulls and Gills were both very rich with one lady they both love dearly. Her name...was Glinda... Glinda was a tall maiden who loved cake out of all those cakes, she loved all of them. She would eat 100 a day till she would rest in bed with her two skinny husbands, Gulls and Gills.

One day, Glinda got pregnant but Gulls didn't know how it was possible, Gulls blamed Gills for this but Gills didn't know either. They both turned to there fat cake loving queen that stood in front of a smooth glazed strawberry flavour icing cake filled with berries of many sorts, the main was the fluffy sponge cake that laid beneath the icing and sprinkled with red, blue, and purple candy. Last but not least, it was topped with a nice ripe cherry, freshly picked on that very day.

Glinda had both of her hands full of that good looking cake and her face covered in the strawberry flavour icing. Gulls and Gills then got the idea, she was cheating on them. Glinda shook her head as her cheeks flowed in the wind as she did, declaring that she didn't and wouldn't in a life time, not at all. She begged and till blaming Gulls for cheating on her and bringing a man in to spread his seed into poor fat queen Glinda.

The reason was because Gulls couldn't get Glinda pregnant, not even Gills couldn't either. Gills got angry at Gulls and sent his brother to feed to the dogs.

Glinda and Gills were happy together till one day, Glinda gave birth in the golden bath tub of where all babies were born, since no one cleaned the tub in a while, it was covered in white and red also water.

It was a beautiful baby boy, he had long white hair and baby blue eyes. Right when they saw him, they named him... Saint Nick.

Saint Nick loved cake like his mother Glinda till one day finding out cookies were delicious, he began eating cookies and milk and then mint pies and making gingerbread. Glinda and Gills thought this was a tragedy so, the sent Saint Nick to the North Pole to freeze to death, Nick was so fat and had so much hair, he survived the cold till being found by wee little naked Elves.

The Elves brain washed Saint Nick to believe his name was Santa and he loved children, so then Santa became Santa and went around the world spreading his joy and wonders to the world. Explained Johnny's father.

Johnny and Dukey have each other glances. "Dad? You sure that's how the story goes?" I ask, of course that sounded very...unlikely but if it's true, I knew those elves were evil. "Of course it is Johnny! That's why we leave cookies out, or else he will eat our left socks..." My dad explained till slowly walking out of the living room and into the kitchen, VERY slowly.

I blinked a few times before looking around and standing up. Dukey laughed and stood up too. "Hey Johnny! On Christmas Eve, let's see if this story is true!" Dukey exclaimed. "I don't know, I don't want to loose my left sock to some brain washed old man." I looked down at my socks and thought to myself, I will never let him get you. Dukey roughly smacked my back. "If it is true, we can always get new socks, besides I don't even wear socks! Sometimes...but I bet he's not real, let's just check it out." I smiled and nodded since then Christmas Eve was just tomorrow.

I run into the kitchen and open the fridge. "We must eat the cookies! Then dump the milk!" I say before taking out the milk and Dukey grabbing the cookies. "But Johnny, I can't eat chocolate, and I don't want to just watch you eat it!" Dukey complained before I sigh. "Drink the milk then." I take the cookies and already stuffing my face with the chocolate goodness. Dukey took the milk and began to drink it.

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