Chapter 11

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Marwa's POV:
Majeed received the phone call with a huge smile on his face, telling her how important this person is to him. " is that how a special person should be treated ? For how long I left Dubai and is only today you remember me I feel hurt. How can you just do this to me" making a hurt expression, huh! This man can be so dramatic he should have go for acting it will suit him more. He broke into series of laughter after his short drama I wonder who that person is, anyway who that one help I shrugged and here comes his voice again " my best man!!!! How's everyone mama and all? I miss y'all, everyone is fine Alhamdulillah" I could see how happy he is to talk to his so called 'best man' "Zain, abik trasilli kulyoum, walla tbin kaf?" He laugh again he turn to me and said " angel if you want you can increase or decrease the air conditioner. I just nodded keep my eyes on the traffic, in a minute I just heard him cut off the call I'm sure he is not done but what make him cut off the call like that, was it because I'm inside the car with him and he talked to me intentionally just to make his friend realize that he is with me. Oh I am dump!! How can he know me that I have never been to Dubai and he is probably an Arab then...
" angel, I'm sorry I was carried away a bit with my friend, we have been great buddies since when we relocate to Dubai, so that's why I received. I sincerely apologize " I smiled at him to assure him that I understand and he shouldn't worry.
He stopped at the ice cream shop and both ice cream for them since it's summer.
He keep on licking the ice cream while driving i was just so surprise how can someone be driving and taking ice cream at the same time, with that I got opportunity to have a perfect view of him, how can someone be so handsome like that! MashaAllah.
His thick eyebrows that make a perfect curve, if it was a girl she will swore that She shaped and that person knows her job, due to how perfectly shaped it looks. His protruding eyes with a long eyelashes that torches his brows his nose is chiseled and aristocratic and hers is pert, his downward-turned lips and finally is long face with the side bunks along with it making so beautiful.
I was gazing at him totally forgotten about my ice cream it's melts and started to drop on my skin making me shrink I took off my gaze and said "Astaghfirullah! How can someone be so handsome like that" I don't know I voice it out until when he says "oh! I am very glad hearing that from you, please finish your ice cream before it's melts, believe me,it doesn't test sweet at all" he squeeze his face as if someone brought a rotten egg close to his face I couldn't help but laugh wholeheartedly. I think we gonna make a good friends. We keep on chit chatting the all the way back home.
He drop me at home and went to the masjid for Friday prayer. After that he came back with my brothers and we ate lunch together and chit chat the whole day all of us but still I could feel his eyes on me throughout the conversation. Mom invites him along with his family tomorrow for dinner..
so apparently I will be seeing him all the time..
Majeed seems to be a very cool guy and funny at the same time.

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