My Personality In a Poem

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I wrote this for school. It is a personality poem. Hi Mr. Bindschadler.

My Personality in a Poem

I am like a mockingjay,

high in a ponderosa pine tree,

repeating a recently heard melody.

Like a cat in need of attention,

basking in the warm sunlight.

Or a marker, colorfully weaving my

personality into you.

A mountain of mashed potatoes,

holding onto the wonderful things

mixed into my buttery makeup.

Like a heart, kind, loving and sweet,

my point is a reminder that I can defend

myself from unwanted cruelty.

I am like the color yellow,

golden and cheerful,

but with the wrong ingredient I get ugly fast.

A staple, holding everything together neatly,

but when failing and broken, falls to pieces.

I am a rose, bright and vivid,

but with many sharp points,

showing that I am not all color and perfume.

Like the song "Shake It Off",

happy, upbeat

a reminder that I 'll shake off

whatever is thrown at me.

Like a book,

pages unfolding

into new adventures and twists.

A candle,

a light in the darkness,

a flame you must seek to possess.

I am like root beer,

sweet and bubbly,

but when deeply shaken,

my bottle explodes.

Or a movie,

possessing happiness, sorrow,

and a roller coaster of a ride.

I am like a cardigan,

easily warming your skin,

and providing loving home-like comfort.  

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