Part 7: best friends

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It's was the next morning and you hear banging on your door you groaned and you forgot you lock your door and opened of course it was sasha, Mikasa, historia, and Ymir

"So y/n how are you feeling" Sasha said

"I'm feeling ok just tired"

"Damn last night you whooped Annie ass everyone is talking about it"

Historia hit ymir "Ymir shut up you don't have to remind her"

"I'm mean I'm feeling pretty good for beating her ass she needed it like if she wanted Armin she should've went and told him before he came to me"

Mikasa was surprised "ok y/n get into it"

"Yeah you know what I mean mikasa"

"I sure do"

"So what are we going today guys" y/n added

"Oh we were going to get boba just us not with the guys just us girls" historia replied to them

"Sounds good!"

You got up and got ready you puts on a T-shirt and some short and sneakers you walked out your dorm room to the elevator pressed the lobby button and ran over to the girls y'all walked out the building and walked down the street to the boba shop and y'all saw Connie jean and Marco sitting at a table

"Sasha I thought you said none of the boys were going to be here" you whispered to Sasha

"I didn't know either"

Connie ran up to you and said "Y/N yesterday was crazy we saw you fight and you have good moves"

"Connies why did you bring that up" historia said

"Historia it's fine I'm just glad the bitch was put in her place"

"Damn y/n I see you being independent"

"I always am I now imma get me some boba"

You went up order your favorite boba drink and sat with Marco, jean, and Connie and so did the others and you saw Armin and eren walk in Armin waved at you and the others and eren waved at mikasa and the others Armin order his boba and sat next to you and eren didn't get anything and sat next to mikasa.

The lies that you told I thought were the truth (Armin Arlert x Black reader)Where stories live. Discover now