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From the dark portal created by Kurogiri a small girl stepped out just behind Shigaraki, (Y/n)'s Platinum hair flowing as if it were blowing in the wind. Her hands were clinging to his arm as she watched the villains flood out behind. The last to step out was a Nomu that looked a bit like a bird with muscles. "Thirteen and Eraser Head, huh? The teacher's schedule we received the other day said that All Might was also supposed to be here."

Her hands tensed slightly as Kurogiri spoke, the list she had worked hard to retrieve did indeed state this was his class. "Where is he? I went through the trouble of bringing this whole crowd, too.. All Might... the symbol of peace... I can't believe he's not here." Taking her hands from his arm as he lifted them into the air, she moved to clutch the bottom of his black shirt. "I wonder if he'll come if we kill some kids?"

(Y/n) peeked out from behind Shigaraki as EraserHead started fighting. Watching the way he moved and gaging his strength. She observed the goggles he wore, as well as the way his hair moved or lay flat against his head. The scarf he used was some form of weapon possibly as he used it for attack and defense. She wondered if he would be able to stop her quirk from working for just a moment.

That was until Shigaraki started speaking again. "He's also strong in hand-to-hand combat, and since he's hiding his eyes with goggles, you can't tell whose Quirk he's erasing. When he fights against a group, that makes it harder for them to work together. I see. I hate pro heroes. The masses don't stand a chance against them."

Looking up, (Y/n) noted him starting to scratch at his neck with two fingers. She had seen him do this before when he was either deep in thought or irritated. Kurogiri took a moment to get to the other side and prevent the students from escaping. It was obvious a new stage of the plan had started. Scattering the students around the enclosure.

Shigaraki removed the girl's hands, leaning down to speak with her. "Wait here with Nomu. I'll be back." She gave a tentative nod, before scrambling behind the Nomu as Shigaraki turned and started to leave. She jumped hearing an explosion in the shipwreck zone, turning to see a large geyser coming from the water. The kids were starting to fight back. Seeing lightning striking from the ground she stepped closer to the Nomu. "23 seconds. The last boss? 24 seconds. 20 seconds." Shigaraki was counting, grasping hold of the scarf shot out by EraserHead.

She watched, and flinched as he got slammed in his gut. But as soon as his hair fell, he made a "Tch." sound.

Shigaraki had won that draw. "It's hard to see because you keep moving around, but there's an instant when your hair falls. That's when you've finished an action. And the space in between has gotten shorter and shorter." The man's elbow was starting to crumble due to Shigaraki's quirk. "Don't push yourself, EraserHead." You could see the muscle under the cracked crumbling skin.

Yet even with it out of commission, he was still able to put up a decent fight. "That quirk isn't suited for fighting long fights against a large group, is it? Isn't this too different from your usual job? What you're good at is a short fight after a surprise attack, right? Even so, you jumped right in to fight us from the front. Was that to put your students at ease? You're so cool... You're so cool...! By the way, hero... I'm not the last boss."

Before she realized it, she was out in the open.The Nomu was standing behind EraserHead. Her eyes widened slightly as she rushed forward. Running into Shigaraki, her hands finding their way around his shirt. "Reset complete... All Might will come in ten minutes, we will lose Nomu fifteen. Retreat advised." She spoke softly. Watching as the Nomu attacked, blood splattering in the air and on the concrete below him.

Shigaraki just smiled, seeming to ignore her words. He was caught up on the fact that All Might would be showing up soon. "I'll tell you, EraserHead. He's the anti-symbol of peace, the bioengineered 'Nomu.'" She hid further behind Shigaraki seeing Nomu break the teacher's arm. Her eyes closed, having to see it for a second time.

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