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"When I wake up in the morning love, and the sunlight hurts my eyes" I reach for the button on my phone to shut my alarm off, still half asleep.

"Just five more minutes please!" I groan.

Finally hitting the button, I get comfortable in my bed once again prepared to get five more minutes to sleep in.

As i'm finally dozing off again, my phone starts ringing. I grab my phone and answer the call, not even reading the ID of the caller because I know it's gonna be my mother.

"Hello darling , I need you to make dinner for yourself tonight. It's gonna be another late nighter at work, and i'm not gonna make until late. I'm sorry"

My mother talks before I get the chance to even say hello, meaning she was already on her way to work. Which is nursing at the hospital, she's usually there late nights anyways. Meaning I get the house to myself this morning, thank the gods.

"Hi, I can do that. I can save some for you too. Have a nice day at work, love you." I say, finally sitting up deciding to get ready for the day.

"Love you too Lore" with that she hangs up the phone.

I stand up and make my way to the bathroom to do my daily necessities. I take a shower. Once I get out of the shower, I brush my teeth and hair in the process while also picking out an outfit.

I get downstairs all ready to go, grabbing an apple on my way out the door. I climb into my 2002 ford focus, one of my moms old cars because I don't like all of the newer car brands.

No matter how many times my friends and my mom try to get me one of the newer brands, I'll never give in. It's just not worth it when they both work the same way. Just less money.

"Now it's three in the mornin' and i'm tryin' change your mind" I sing to Arctic Monkeys on the radio, drumming my fingers on the steering wheel.

As I'm backing out of the driveway I hear a thud and stop the whole car.

"Shit! Please tell me that was the mail box, please please please" I say getting out of the car to look at the damage I had just caused.

As I turn the corner and look at what I hit, turns out it was just the mailbox. I sigh in relief and pick it back up, leaving it more crooked than before. Not the first time i've done that.
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A few minutes later, I arrive to school and get to my usual first hour class.

Math, not honors though. Never honors I've tried that and let me tell you-

My thoughts interrupted by my best friend, coming up and talking about her night last night.

Meet Delia the girl i've known since we were both 7, we grew up together.

The day we met on our first day of second grade we clicked, right away. Ever since then we've been inseparable, and when I say it I mean it. Never a day we don't talk.

"Okay, so you know how I was talking to that boy like last week?" Delia starts blabbering as soon as she knows i'm paying attention.

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