After That Day Everything Changed - Eren Yeager 🤷‍♀️

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As I ran from the titain behind me I try to look for somewhere to hide, so I can get it off my trail. Just as I was about to turn a corner I felt a giant hand grab me. I screamed and tried to hit the had and make it let me go. Buy there was no use. "HELP SOMEONE PLEASE!!" I scream louder than I've ever screamed before. The titain pulled me closer to its mouth and I keep screaming. Tears stream down my face as everything starts going in slow motion. I'm gonna die..this titain is going to eat me alive, and I can't do a single thing about my sister and brother, my mom. They are gonna find out that I was killed by a titain. Someone..please save me. I was about to be dropped into the titains mouth when suddenly someone rushed by. They cut at the titains neck then I felt myself being grabbed from the hand.

I watch as I got further away from the body, and someone carrying me. The person dropped me on a roof and was about to leave when I looked up. "Th- thank you" I say. The boy looks back at me. And he looked dto be the same age as me. That can't be. "H- how old are you?" I ask. "I'm sixteen" he replied. "Why are you fighting titains at sixteen?" I ask. "Five years ago titain broke into my towns district, they destroyed everything and everyone except for the few that escaped. One of those titain bastards killed my mom. So I am going to kill every titain that comes in my path" he replied. He was about to leave and I I stop him. "Wait- my mom, my siblings. If you find them..can you please tell me" I say. "Age group of the siblings" they are six to ten, my mom is fourty-two. Her name is Tachia. Please..if they aren't already gone, I don't care where they are as long as they are alive. Can you save them for me?" I say.

His eyes narrowed and his eyebrows stitched together in a frown. "I can't" he said. "Why?" I ask. "Because I already saw them.. and I couldn't save them. Little girl, curly hair and a boy straight short hair. And the woman..looked young, but she looked older than thirty at the same time" he explains. I feel my heart drop. "I was so close too" the boy replied. Tears began to stream down my face again. "S- so I'm the last one" I say backing up. "I'm sorry, but I have to go back to my group. If you see a girl she always has a red scarf, stop her and talk to her" he said. And just before he left he said. "Her name is Mikasa, she will help you better than I can" he said. "What if a titain comes after me again, I can't get far on a roof" I say. "Fine, come with me, but I'm brining you up  the wall then coming back down. I have a job to do" he said. I nod my head then he grabbed my waist and he started off to the wall. He took me up and right before he left again. "Wait, what's your name?" I ask. "Eren" he answered then left.

Some people ran over to me asking so many questions. But I didn't know how to answer half of them. "Why did Yeager bring you here" one person asked. "Well he didn't want to leave me down there" I answer. "Whats your name?" Another asked. "Fyami Zetsamae" I answer. "Do you know how to fight titains" someone asked. "N-no" I say. "Well guess you get to learn come here" he said. I nod. "Everyone here had years of training to be as good as they are. You won't do what they are doing down there, but when the time comes you can help set off the cannons" he said. "For what?" I ask. "Well, don't get to close to the edge, but look" he said. There was almost twenty five or more titains in this one corner.

There was cannons all pointing down at them. "I assume you don't know how to fire a cannon" the man said. "I do not, the only thing I've fired was a gun" I say. "Well, think of these cannons as big guns, the only difference is this rope here, has to burn before anything comes out. And each of these cannons have about four to six cannon balls inside. So when they fire there is a more than 50% chance all of them will get hit" the man said. I nod. "Why are you having me help?" I ask. "Because we can use all the help we can get. And if you do a hood job maybe we can get Captain Levi to train you personally" the man said. My eyes widened almost ten times. "Wait but he kills titains..I don't even know the first thing about them. I mean besides that they eat human beings" I say.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2021 ⏰

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